They frequently fawn over him, and they pressure Princess Cadance to accept his invitation to the Fall Formal. NOT being noticed goes against most of what Rainbow Dash stands for, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Rainbow Dash is voiced by Brittany Lauda in PlayDate Digital's app Power Ponies. After a moving speech by Fluttershy, the mermares allow Hoofbeard and Jewel to be together. She understood Fluttershy was in . Without her, who'd make sure the weather was awesome all the time? This gag even extends into My Little Pony The Movie, where Applejack offers free samples of cider at the Friendship Festival, and Rainbow repeatedly grabs, and gorges down, multiple samples. In the human world, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #1, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #2, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #3, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #4, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #5, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #6, Miss Kitty, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #7, S04E09 Unnamed Cat #8, and Lemon Squeezy are Goldie Delicious' pets.[specify], A dog appears to be "Indigo Wreath"'sduring My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Music to My Ears, and Monday Bluesand/or Fluttershy'sin MLPEG Friendship Games _Bloopers_and/or Lyra Heartstrings'at an unspecified point earlier than Epic Failsand/or Unnamed Man #9'sduring Run to Break Freepet.[specify], Calvin & Theo are Lulu Luck's pets. Twilight takes Starlight Glimmer on as a pupil in The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2. In My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown, during spring break aboard a cruise ship, Rarity falls for a member of the ship's crew named Ragamuffin. Grand Pear initially disapproved and abandoned Pear Butter, but as the years passed, he began to regret despising the Apples. However, some time before the ceremony, Queen Chrysalis infiltrates Canterlot and switches places with Cadance. After seeing Big Mac get challenged by his former friend Silver Streak, Rainbow accepts the challenge on Big Mac's behalf. She helps the school become a prestigious institution, and she also counsels students with personal problems like Floribunda. Uhh, I mean [nervous laugh] This is the life.The Cart Before the Ponies, Somepony is really gonna have to catch us up on what we missed.To Where and Back Again - Part 2, Mom and Dad, I want you to know that I'm your biggest fan.Parental Glideance, Is it MY fault that I don't like pies? In A Hearth's Warming Tail, Lemon Hearts kisses "Autumn Leaf"'s cheek under a sprig of mistletoe during the song Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again. That's good to know. In the second half of the IDW comics story arc Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair, Tealove bumps into and falls in love with Big McIntosh, and she imagines the two of them having a spy-thriller romance. Capable and athletic, Rainbow Dash lives for adventure! In Discord and the Ponyville Players Dramarama chapter 8, Pinkie becomes elated when she thinks Cheese is present in the theater. What about super-ultra-extreme-awesomazing?The Mysterious Mare Do Well, Danger's my middle name. The Wonderbolts attend the Gala in The Best Night Ever, where they mingle with the guests in a V.I.P. Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike follow her to attempt to prevent this from happening. [30][specify], A dog appears to be Diamond Tiara's and/or Silver Spoon's pet.[specify], Stingy-McScorpion and at least one unidentified other are Doc Holstein's pets.[specify]. In A Horse Shoe-In, Twilight passes her role as principal on to Starlight Glimmer. That earthy guy who plays in the Green Cycle band. Rainbow Blaze is a male Pegasus pony and "mentor" of Rainbow Dash who appears in the episodes Games Ponies Play and A Hearth's Warming Tail. The season eight premiere introduces the "Young Six", consisting of dragon Smolder, changeling Ocellus, griffon Gallus, yak Yona, Hippogriff/seapony Silverstream, and Earth pony Sandbar, who all enroll in Twilight's School of Friendship. And when we finally catch up to Applejack and Rainbow Dashthey're together. The two develop a mutual animosity that is further inflamed when the brothers sell a fake miracle youth tonic that nearly causes Granny Smith to badly hurt herself in "Leap of Faith". Rainbow Dash is a female Pegasus pony and one of the main characters in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.She maintains the weather and clears the skies in Ponyville.As a huge fan of the Wonderbolts, she becomes a reservist member of the elite flying group in Testing Testing 1, 2, 3 and a full member in Newbie Dash.In Sonic Rainboom, Rarity and Princess Celestia both declare that she is the . And it just doesn't matter if you can fly or not. Near the end of the special, Sunny proposes marriage to Petunia, and she accepts. )", In the "My Secret Crush" section of the My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Canterlot High Tell-All (Replica Journal), Applejack writes "I do have a crush. At the end of May the Best Pet Win!, Tank is fitted with a propeller and flight goggles so he can fly and keep up with Rainbow Dash. Discord shows Rainbow Dash a vision of Cloudsdale falling apart in her absence, convincing her to abandon her friends in the Canterlot castle maze. In the My Little Pony Micro-Series Issue #3 bonus story The Trials of Hayseed Turnip Truck, Hayseed Turnip Truck recalls when he first met and fell in love with Rarity. In Top Bolt, Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail are best friends and have been so since they were foals. Rainbow Dash is her name and adventure is her game! Supersonic Rainbow Dash: RAINBOW DASH has one great all-consuming passion in life: to flyFAST!!! There I said it. Throughout the episode, Trenderhoof hangs closely around Applejack, to her chagrin, and tries to get her attention. She secretly practices with the Wonderbolts at first but ultimately decides to stay with the Ponyville team. I know your thing is honesty, but come on!Rarity Takes Manehattan, That pony is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an igneous.About Maud Pie, Maud Pie, [blows raspberry] Beneficial for eggheads!Testing Testing 1, 2, 3, And no matter what your sport is, we gotta give it our best because we all got a genuine shot at Ponyville gold.Equestria Games, Ya' done good squirt!To Scootaloo, Equestria Games, Whoa, whoa, whoa! When he arrives in Ponyville to retire from his search, he reunites with Matilda with Pinkie Pie's help, and the two rekindle their relationship. The two interact further in My Little Pony: Friends Forever Issue #34, My Little Pony Annual 2017, My Little Pony The Movie, and Beyond Equestria: Pinkie Pie Steps Up. Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust have a varying relationship across Parental Glideance flashbacks, Wonderbolts Academy, Winning Style pages 20-21,[38][39] Applejack and the Honest-to-Goodness Switcheroo chapter 8, Fluttershy and the Fine Furry Friends Fair chapter 9, Enterplay collectible card game Absolute Discord #10 U, Siege of the Crystal Empire and its Gameloft mobile game adaptation, a Signature My Little Pony magazine issue's[specify] Guess whos coming for dinner?,[40] The Elements of Harmony Volume II page 45, the magazine[specify] comics Just the ticket! Make way for Rainbow Dash! Dash messes up the first two rounds of her performance, hitting an obstacle and accidentally sending a cloud hurtling in Princess Celestia's direction. AppleDash is the femslash ship between Rainbow Dash and Applejack from the My Little Pony fandom. In My Little Pony: FIENDship is Magic Issue #5, Emperor Incitatus falls in love with Queen Chrysalis when she disguises herself as his fiancee. She tells Twilight Sparkle that Nightmare Night "is the best night of the year for pranks" and that "it's all in good fun". Rainbow Dash is one of the Mane 6 and bares the element of loyalty.She is the the daughter of Bow hot hoof and Windy Whistles.She has a close sister like relationship with the school age pegasus,Scootaloo Rainbow Dash shares a love for the Wonderbolts and is currently in the academy in canon. Applejack/Winona Biscuit and Spur/Bloofy Blossomforth/hedgehog Braeburn/Albus Bulk Biceps/Wooyoo Corral/Scout Cromwell/Ripley Cupcake/raccoon Cuppa Joe/Puddles Dewdrop Dazzle/duck Diamond Tiara and/or Silver Spoon/dog Discord/Quincy Doc Holstein/pets Flash Sentry/Banana Fluttershy/pets Goldie Delicious/cats Icy Shanks/Reba Indigo Wreath and/or Fluttershy and/or Lyra Heartstrings and/or man/dog Lulu Luck/Calvin & Theo Maraporean colt/kitties Maraporean filly/Fluffy Bun Maraporean stallion/Denise Penumbra Quill/Firebrand Pinkie Pie/reptiles Prince Blueblood/Bunny Prince Rutherford/Fluffy Princess Celestia/birds Princess Luna/Tiberius Queen Haven/Cloudpuff Rainbow Dash/Tank Rarity/Opalescence Said Thunderbolt/dogs Spike/pets Spring Song/Pearl Sunflower/dog Sunset Shimmer/Ray Trixie/dog Twilight Sparkle/pets (Princess Twilight Sparkle/Owlowiscious Sci-Twi/Spike) Vignette Valencia/Yas Queen Yollotl/Bruno Zipporwhill/Ripley, Rivalries, feuds, etc. Princess Celestia is Twilight's personal teacher in the first three seasons of the show. They eventually come together and share their first kiss at the Fall Formal Gala. Does fluttershy end up with discord? I'm not upset! Pinkie Pie has become head planner of Canterlot's galas. In Make Your Own Magic: Starswirl Do-Over, Sandalwood admits to Sunset Shimmer that he has a crush on her. Whether traveling to distant lands or taking on mystery and magic, this pretty pony is ready to fasten her seatbelt for the adventure of a lifetime! In Hard to Say Anything, Big McIntosh is revealed to have developed a crush on Sugar Belle. In Enterplay's collectible card game, Defenders of Equestria card #9 C of Rainbow Dash as Snowdash lists the quote "Ever since Snowfall Frost figured out how cool Hearth's Warming is, I went from no vacation time to two weeks a year, plus paid sick days! Who does Rainbow Dash have a crush on? In My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, Twilight and Flash still harbor romantic feelings for one another. Rainbow Dash shares her design and eye color with Daring Do and WCE Unnamed Mare - Jouster, her design with Skywishes, Sugar Grape, Lucky Dreams, Sweetsong, Breezie, Feathermay, Periwinkle, Star Dasher, and sometimes Ploomette and Banana Bliss, her mane and tail style with Holly Dash, "Doseydotes", "Ballad", Lon, and Roku-chan, her mane style with Andrea, her tail style with "Sunstone", and her coat and eye colors with Shoeshine, Eclair Crme, Screwy, "Turf", "Bloo", "Tough Love", and Micro 02 Unnamed Mare - Alicorn. In Keep Calm and Flutter On, she calls both Fluttershy and Applejack "slackers" when she comes to fetch them upon Princess Celestia's arrival, even though they were preoccupied with something to begin with. How had she had a crush on someone who was using her?". In Wings Over Yakyakistan, Rainbow Dash is among the Wonderbolts who perform at an airshow in Yakyakistan only for it to come under attack by the dragons. Rainbow Dash and Applejack are six. In Enterplay's collectible card game, Absolute Discord card #63 U of Steven Magnet mentions that he "made best friends with Cranky Doodle Donkey.". In Rarity and the Curious Case of Charity, Rarity takes on Charity Sweetmint as a protege through the H.O.O.F. In Newbie Dash, Rainbow Dash becomes a full-fledged member of the Wonderbolts, despite being saddled with her old nickname "Rainbow Crash". In Lyra and Bon Bon and the Mares from S.M.I.L.E. Brave and bold, anypony who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus in the air has been left in jaw-dropped awe of her speed, agility, and, well, her confidence. Categories . In Slice of Life, Cranky and Matilda get married. Pinkie Pie first meets Cheese Sandwich, the self-titled "super duper party pony" in Pinkie Pride, where they compete over who can be the best party planner for Rainbow Dash's birthday. The only person that I know married for sure was Pinkie Pie because she married Cheese Sandwich and had that cute kid Lil Cheese. Unnerved by her violently chaotic tendencies and lust for power, Discord cooperates with several magic-wielding rulers to banish her. Who is Rainbow Dash's best friend? Rainbow Dash represents the Element of Loyalty! In Gameloft's mobile game, A Mermare's Tale.[specify]. Twilight Sparkle is the Princess of Friendship and principal of the School of Friendship. Are Applejack and Rainbow Dash canon? Rainbow Dash wins the duel when she suddenly transforms into her pony-like state . However, Twilight had also given Rarity beautiful butterfly wings, which led her to steal the spotlight. In the "My Secret Crush" section of the My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Canterlot High Tell-All (Replica Journal), Fluttershy writes "Oh, boy! It didn't go great! In Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds, Brumby Cloverpatch and Duchess Precipita fell in love after Brumby discovered the hidden city of Cirrostrata. Starlight graduates in Celestial Advice;[specify] she "works as Twilight Sparkles assistant" according to Signature My Little Pony Special magazine issue 1's Equestria News. (Shhhh, don't tell him, you guys! A true hero, this rainbow-haired Pegasus pony is as fast as they come, flying through the air with jaw-dropping speed! Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, Pipp Petals, Zipp Storm, and Hitch Trailblazer become best friends in My Little Pony: A New Generation. She earned her cutie mark by performing the first-ever sonic rainboom as a filly. Princess Celestia is Sunset Shimmer's personal teacher in The Fall of Sunset Shimmer; their student-teacher relationship is also mentioned in Rainbow Rocks and Forgotten Friendship. Applejack is married to Vinyl Scratch and they have two kids together; Southern Belle and Banjo Blues. One day, Rainbow Dash just knows she'll earn a position on the elite aerial-acrobatic team, the Wonderbolts! In Rarity and the Curious Case of Charity, when Spike displays infatuation toward Charity Sweetmint and Charity likewise dotes on him, Rarity shows signs of jealousy, especially when Charity addresses him as "Spikey-Wikey". In Filli Vanilli, Cheerilee swoons over Big Mac's perceived vocals during Find the Music in You. Near the end of the episode, Trenderhoof nearly gives up being a writer to live on Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack, but Applejack politely turns him down. During this time, Rainbow Dash's wing power was measured at 16.5, while most of the other Pegasi's wing power could barely measure more than 10. The circumstances of their relationship is intended to mirror the relationship between their respective voice actors: Patton Oswalt and his wife Meredith Salenger. For family relationships, see family and relatives. You're you! It was the enragement of Rainbow Dash that caused Soarin and Fluttershy to fall in love. In Sonic Rainboom, Rainbow Dash is confident about her performance in the upcoming Best Young Flyer Competition until Rarity's magical butterfly wings get a lot of attention and admiration. Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Ashleigh Ball is a Canadian voice actress and musician from Vancouver. Dark Changeling Rainbow Dash: Baby Flurry Heart's Heartfelt Scrapbook Ep. When any problem should arise that involves traveling to distant lands or dealing with a magical, mysterious beast, Rainbow is the first to volunteer! They have an emotional falling-out over this misunderstanding, but they make amends with Twilight and Rainbow Dash's help. The two schools compete in the Friendship Games, and Crystal Prep principal Abacus Cinch is obsessed with ensuring her own victory and continuing their school's dominance. Who does Rainbow Dash have a crush on? He unfortunately stored his "cum jar" too close to a radiator, accidentally boiling his My Little Pony figurine in his own seminal fluid. MLP: FiM. When she's in the air, she monitors the ground and sky for trouble and makes note of everything she sees and hears. Here, Rainbow Dash is married to Soarin Skies, and they have 2 kids: Twister Breeze and Windy Breeze. They enter a school talent show together in The Show Stoppers, get stuck together with bubble gum in Ponyville Confidential, and make a flag-carrying routine in Flight to the Finish.
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