PDF Countries South China Sea Overview - Energy Information Administration The annual Cobra Gold exercise is Asias largest multilateral military exercise. Vietnam and the Philippines have also attempted to form a strategic alliance with Japan in their struggle with China in the SCS. The United States has leverage over China in areas not directly related to South China Sea and may have to consider using or threatening to use these tools to stabilize the regional order. 2016 The Arbitration Tribunal rules in favor of the Philippines. In December, another joint China-Russia naval exercise was held in the East China Sea (China Military Online, December 21, 2022). Unfortunately, some countries fail to comply with the existing international law. The Tribunal rejects Chinas maritime claims that go beyond the entitlements set out in the Law of the Sea Convention. What is the Strategic Importance of the South China Sea? The outcome of that contest will profoundly influence, if not shape, the 21st century world. The United States can stand firm on its principles and deter China from undermining the regional order while maintaining a productive relationship. by M A Hossain 3 March 2023 The geostrategic significance of Bangladesh derives from its strategic location at the crossroads of South and Southeast Asia, endowing it with a pivotal role in the re U.S. access to the military facilities on the South China Seas southern flank, however, would shift the regions balance of power in Americas favor. The United States and the West more broadly can live with such an outcome. The most likely single scenario for a major military engagement against a great power adversary would be one against China centered on the South China Sea. Southeast Asians do not want to and should not have to choose between the two, but Chinese behavior is moving some states to pick sidesor at least to lean in one direction or another. In 1995, the Philippines discovered that China had occupied and militarized an atoll (Mischief Reef) well within the Philippines EEZ and within maritime territory claimed by Manila. It is growing more difficult to discuss Southeast Asia without discussing Japan, India and Australia, whose ties to the region and to each other are maturing and whose militarieswhether represented by personnel, aircraft, or warshipsare increasingly present in the region. The area includes several hundred small islands, rocks, and reefs, with the majority located in the Paracel and Spratly Island chains. U.S. access to the South China Sea is coming under increasing threat as Chinese power increases, but can be preserved if the United States maintains a sufficient military advantage over China. and Amy Searight. But the new maps contours truly began to crystallize earlier this year, when the Philippines Supreme Court ruled as constitutional a new defense agreement with the United States. Vietnam already flies modern Russian fighter jets and is expecting delivery this year of its sixth and final Kilo-class submarinesubmarines so quiet that the U.S. Navy refers to them as black holes. If the Chinese Navy wants to have its way in the South China Sea, it will have to dedicate resources to tracking those subs, a task with which the PLAN has limited experience. Dispersed American forces would act as countermeasure and would complicate defense planning for the Chinese military and political calculations for Beijing, while ensuring U.S. forces are positioned to support each other in the event of a crisis. 1994 The Convention on the Law of the Sea goes into effect. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. This article examines Chinas behaviour in the South China Sea disputes through the lens of its strategy for managing its claims. It is a rich source of hydrocarbons and natural resources. Sun Tzu Explains China's Shaping Operations in the South China Sea. Report A South China Sea Strategy | American Enterprise Institute - AEI f) . However, Brunei's insistence that specific issues in the maritime region should be . director of the South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative at Peking . South China Sea: Why is it strategically important? - Clear IAS To understand the statement we have to have a particular knowledge over the issue and have to look over the geopolitical and strategic importance of South China Sea. Most of China's contested land borders were remote areas with few people, natural resources or clear military utility. The reaction of the Chinese Foreign Minister was incendiary and revealing. South China Sea is a strategic sea lane is significance for connectivity, navigation, trade and resources is a global hotspot as a potential flashpoint. Anti-China alliance coalescing in South China Sea - Asia Times If China can exert complete control over the region, using predominantly the maritime domain, it can build a significant strategic sphere of influence and power. It is the geostrategic importance that is usually the main reason for the parties to strengthen their claim over the Spratlys and the Paracels. The Strategic Importance of the South China Sea (With reference to the geopolitical, economic, and military aspects) South China Sea is known as one of the most significant and dangerous cluster of Islands in the contemporary world. Chinese missiles on the mainland already hold all U.S. Asian bases at risk. South China Sea is also strategically important due to the rising competition between China, Vietnam, Philippine and the US for military supremacy in the Asia-Pacific region. Notably, the paper identified Malaysia's maritime claims in the South China Sea as its top security concern. The United States has several enduring advantages that make regional states continue to seek it out as the security partner of choice, including the worlds best military, high favorability ratings in most local populations, and a less threatening foreign policy than that of China. Under President Xi Jinping, Beijing has undertaken more assertive policies that have greatly improved Beijings position in the South China Sea. 1616 Rhode Island Avenue, NW The region also is the subject of more than a dozen overlapping and interconnected disputes over who is in charge of the various islands, rocks, shoals and reefs scattered throughout the South China Sea waters. The message will be clear; the era of American international leadership and predominance is over and a new preeminent power has taken its place. Despite all that, Beijing now faces a competition with Washington (and Delhi and Tokyo) for influence in Naypyidaw. In the past two weeks, Filipino . Douglas R. Bush, Deterring a Cross-Strait Conflict: Beijing's Assessment of Evolving U.S. Strategy, Rethinking Humanitarian Aid: A Conversation with Michelle Nunn, President and CEO of CARE USA, The South China Sea Some Fundamental Strategic Principles, Brzezinski Chair in Global Security and Geostrategy, Diversity and Leadership in International Affairs Project, Energy Security and Climate Change Program. Close allies such as Australia and Japan have a great deal to offer in terms of capability and capacity, and should be encouraged to do more. In 2012, Vietnam and the Philippines sought to consolidate their partnership and alliance with the US in order to enhance their strategic position over SCS disputes. Three years ago an arbitration tribunal issued a decision finding that Chinas maritime claims in the South China Sea are inconsistent with the Law of the Sea Convention. That should, of course, remain the goal, but Washington must recognize that Thailand is in the midst of a decade-long political crisis, which is unlikely to be resolved until after King Bhumibols passing and the royal succession is completed. The United States now has the opportunity to secure for another generation the peace that has held in Asia for nearly four decades now. The strategic importance of the SCS is mainly due to its geographical location, as the area is one of the world's busiest and most strategic shipping lanes. That grouping came under Chinese control an event that went almost entirely unnoticed in the wider world as the drama marking the end of the Vietnam War played out. "American aircraft, this is the PLA air force. The U.S.-Thai relationship has suffered since the 2006 coup that overthrew Thaksin Shinawatra and especially since the latest coup, which saw the military take control in 2014 and stubbornly cling to power. These straws-in-the-wind gained strategic context because the PRC had long published official maps showing a boundary encompassing almost the entire South China Sea the nine-dash line.. China has become increasingly assertive in the region, and regional powers from Japan to Singapore have become alarmed at China's behavior. South China Sea has geo-strategic, geo-politic and geo-economic importance due to half of the world trade passage and presence of precious resources of oil and gas. Not only Vietnam is the strongest opponent of the Chinese nine-dash line claim in the region, Vietnam's sustained economic growth has pushed it to emerge as an important player in the South East Asia, which China perceives is not in its interests. 1. 2009 China issues two diplomatic notes that appear to claim a majority of the South China Sea. Read more, One Woodrow Wilson Plaza1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NWWashington, DC 20004-3027, 2023 The Wilson Center. India and Vietnam, while acknowledging the strategic importance of the SCS and their volatile position when it comes to China's rising power, are edging closer toward each other. The United States has an interest in seeing that these partners maintain their strategic autonomy, but capacity building efforts to help them resist coercion are not keeping pace with Chinas growing capabilities. Allied efforts to support U.S. force posture in the region will remain vital, but the United States should also expect allies to make greater contributions in responding to Chinese coercion. With Burma internationally isolated for much of the past three decades, Beijing invested heavily in that countrys leadership. The strategic importance of the SCS is mainly due to its geographical location, as the area is one of the worlds busiest and most strategic shipping lanes. Beijing has also been careful to avoid estranging Aung San Suu Kyi and adopted a largely pragmatic approach to the countrys transition away from authoritarian rule. Chinese warplane intercepts US Navy plane over South China Sea Importance of the South China Sea for the US and China and their Here's why the South China Sea is highly contested - CNBC Speaking to Anadolu Agency on Thursday, Bonji Ohara, a senior fellow at the Tokyo-based Sasakawa Peace Foundation, said the marginal sea is key to China's security. In recent years, Chinas inventive engineering feats have allowed it to create more than 3,200 acres of new land in the South China Sea. Russian long-range aviation, despite performing frequent combat missions against Ukraine, is also conducting Pacific patrols, sometimes together with Chinese H-6K strategic bombers (Nikkei Asia, November 30). In particular, Chinas growing assertiveness over sovereignty and maritime rights in the South China Sea could be assessed as a serious challenge to the status quo in the region. Several countries in the area, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia, make overlapping sovereignty claims over the islands and maritime rights in the SCS. . Due to the strategic importance of the area, China will continue to establish a maritime power in the SCS as the most dominant player among states in the region. Sign up to receive ShareAmerica updates. The United States, moreover, should work with its other Pacific alliesAustralia, South Korea and especially Japanto consider ways that they can lead efforts to expand infrastructure investment in Southeast Asia, perhaps by reforming and enlarging the Asian Development Bank or by launching a joint infrastructure investment fund. This has continued in to the present day. Therefore, the US plays a key role in influencing the resolution of the SCS disputes. The South China Sea is one of the most important economic and environmental regions in the world.
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