If that is so of human words, how much truer it is of the divine word. He is coming to trample the wine vat. First, he is remembering Psalms 97:1: "The Lord reigns; let the earth rejoice." unrighteousness. That is why Christianity is successful. I would like to say a few words about this "fine linen". . for the smoke from her rises for ever and ever. The same imagery of a wedding picture's the Lord's relationship with His Church. The angelic host sings a second Hallelujah. On that interpretation the phrase will mean that no man can speak to men until he has listened to Jesus Christ. white, represents the righteousness of the church, which has now been judged and "The dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." more depending on the economic or social status of the bride and groom. rule . There never has been a like experience. You see, all of the fineries By the seat of his empire; and that is heaven; his throne is there, and his power and authority are heavenly and divine. "Praise our God," it said, "all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great.". At his rebuke nations shall flee before him, And he shall reprove sinners for the thoughts of their hearts, There is a Rabbinic picture of the Messiah: "How beauteous is the king Messiah, who is about to rise from the house of Judah. I am your fellow-servant and the fellow-servant of your brothers who possess the testimony which Jesus gave. Further, after this Jesus introduces Himself, as well as sends His angel. Although Hallelujah appears only here in the Bible, it occurs in a translated form frequently. Nobody can dispute that this remarkable cluster of kingdoms in Europe was the fruit providentially of the destroyed unity of the Roman empire when the barbarians invaded it. There are not enough adjectives in the dictionary Revelation 10 - The Mighty Angel and the Little Book A. This third description of judgment is an allusion to Isaiah 63:2-3; Jeremiah 51:33; Lamentations 1:15; Joel 3:13 (cf. the end of the Great Tribulation, just before the kingdom is established ( Rev 19:1) - 19:1 After these things I heard as it were a great voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, Hallelujah; Salvation, and glory, and power, belong to our God: This is obviously a great celebration in Heaven about a major event that took place on earth. Bride. WATCH ON YOUTUBE Book of Revelation Explained 2: The Last Days (Revelation 1:1-5) To us, as His soldiers, Christ says "As My Father has sent Me so send I you." In any real marriage there must be four things which must also be in the relationship between the Christian and Christ. In Christianity you have a God that is reaching out to man. And Jesus sits on the great white throne. And the [antichrist] the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and those that worshipped his image. Gen. 1; Isaiah 55:11; John 1:1; 2 Thessalonians 1:8) not a literal description. He has reserved the matter, though not without enough to guide our thoughts, as we have seen. I. A single verse dispels clouds of arguments. They are all to reign concurrently with the beast. God uses them for this object,-the setting aside of her, the great religious corruptress, whose centre is found at Rome. It is derived from halal ( H1984) , which means to praise, and Jah ( H3050) , which is the name of God. "I heard a great voice out of heaven, saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God" (alluding to this very city) "[is] with men." Begin by reading the Introduction first. This is most important, because it might be (as it has been) forgotten by some who make the gospel and the corresponding presence of the Spirit to be the same at all times; as others have thought, because Revelation 4:1-11 and sequel treat of Jew and Gentile, and the state of the world under God's judgments, that this cannot be a testimony of Jesus at all. being addressed here to add to the other 3 mentioned groups. In Hebrew writing there were no vowels; the vowels had to be supplied by the reader. They themselves were to judge. That is something that God will never have to do, apologize. It has been remarked by another, and justly, that the expression "they shall be priests of God and of Christ" summarily puts out of court the interpretation that supposes a figurative resurrection. The actual picture comes from Isaiah: "The streams of Edom shall be turned into pitch, and her soil into brimstone; her land shall become burning pitch. . 5:22-24), it ultimately expands to include all the redeemed of all they were saying. The armies of the church militant on earth, and the church triumphant in heaven are not engaged in physical battles of guns and bloodshed, but in spiritual struggles for control of the minds and spiritual forces of men and women. But it is what each saint has, though the blessed thought here is that the church has it not merely in the way of each person possessing his own; the bride has the whole of it (that is, the church in glory). Although the words are the same as in the first chapter of the Fourth Gospel, the meaning is quite different and much simpler. the church is the bride during the presentation feast in heaven, then comes to The church. 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 Commentary. I do not, of course, complain of particular persons, but of the general vagueness in which the passage has been taken unless, indeed, the more common course be not to ignore it. Even the worst of governments is better than none. The redeemed 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and, behold, a white horse, and he who is mounted on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. "These have one mind, and give their own power and authority to the beast," or their imperial leader. Then comes not the destruction only of these rebels by divine judgment, but the dissolution of heaven and earth. Once again John finds his model in the words of the Old Testament, for that is a quotation from Psalms 135:1; Psalms 135:20. "The second coming of Christ is an absolutely essential theme in New Testament theology. And so it is with this very Babylon that comes before us here. To the Christian this book is not sealed. Revelation. They will be gathered together at the inspiration of Satan. the church. We do not have to pretend to be something we are In the first eight verses of Revelation 21:1-27 we have the new heaven and the new earth, but besides, awful to say, the lake of fire. Apart from his return to purge his creation of evil, redemption remains forever incomplete." "And he saith to me, The waters which thou sawest, where the harlot sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues." Man converted will then not merely reach the natural term if I may so say of a thousand years, but pass that bound. "They have one mind, and give their own power and authority to the beast." In Revelation 16+, John was shown the pouring forth of the final seven bowls which contained God's wrath. Many suggestions have been made. These are the true sayings of God. That picture stands for the final union between Jesus Christ and his Church. reign with Christ in the millennial kingdom. The friendships of the evil are not lasting. "And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife." 14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. It is by his word that God created the earth and the heavens and everything in them. Yet to this heavenly city, after Christ comes, the kings of the earth bring their offerings and their homage; but there is no excitement of the nations, no filthiness of fornication, no abominations, no blood-guiltiness. He with the glorified saints will have their home on high, but none the less shall they reign over this very world for the allotted time. symbolizes the permanence of Babylon's destruction (Isaiah 34:8-10). Presentation (the festivities, often lasting several days, that preceded the It was important, just because it is the bride, the Lamb's wife, to show that angels are there, and further, that Israel is not forgotten. The marriage It probably came to be so well known to even the simplest member of the Church through its special use as a response of praise in the Easter worship. ( 7) Namely, to that holy marriage, both herself in person in this verse, and also provided by her spouse with marriage gifts princely and divine, is adorned and prepared in the next verse. All the way along the fairness of God's judgment has been challenged.I don't know what God is going to do in a lot of cases. The answer: because it's the final book of the Bible. shall be their shepherd, as in Revelation 2:27, Revelation 12:5 Of course in all three places the reference is to Psalms 2:9. Zerubbabel displays a plan of Jerusalem to Cyrus the Great by Jacob van Loo. When the apostle Paul wrote to the, saints at Rome, he particularly specified at that very time the duty of absolute subjection on the part of Christians to the powers which then were. In his mind are two things. But a voice issues from the throne, saying, "Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great. The word is alethinos ( G228) and has two meanings. There is nothing like the joy of loving and of being loved. However, Satan is not yet destroyed. THE CONQUERING CHRIST ( Revelation 19:11 ). Third, he alone has the wisdom to find the right judgment and the power to apply it. He treaded the winepress As the grapes are trodden to express the juice, so his enemies shall be bruised and beaten, so that their life's blood shall be poured out. A seventh should follow; and what is more, the seventh was in one aspect to be an eighth. "WHITE" is a symbol throughout the book of Revelation for PURITY and VICTORY. Christ will strike down His enemies with a word that His long, tongue-shaped sword (Gr. He is a threat to them, because He tells you, you don't have to be religious to be accepted by God. 14:8-11). And a voice came from the throne = is not explicitly identified. (ii) There is intimate communion, so intimate that man and wife become one flesh. The Word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. They were caught in flagrant treason and rebellion: what further need of any process of judgment whatsoever? Beyond controversy, however, it is a most unusual and abnormal reappearance, which is altogether exceptional in the history of the world. Betrothal (often when the couple were children); Presentation (the festivities, often lasting several days, that preceded the Capnionis, which was used by Erasmus, and lately discovered after a long obscurity by Dr. Delitzsch, reads (not ) . Worship: Only God is to be worshiped (compare 22:8-9; They would have a big dance and party, as they would crush all of the grapes, they would get the juice out of them. The whole Middle East area of Israel all the way through the land from the Valley of Megiddo clear on down to Edom will be crowded with the vast armies of the world. dispensations God hath also taken vengeance on them for the blood of his saints From Rome saints had suffered; and it was easy to see that the revealed persecutress is called Babylon, and identified with the governing city of Rome. Hence we have to own the divine source of government even when its holders abandon all such thoughts themselves, and maintain their rule in the world as a thing flowing from the people irrespective of God. We know that the change of all those caught up takes place in the twinkling of an eye. and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.". No sooner was the marriage solemnized between Christ and his church by the conversion of the Jews than the glorious head and husband of the church is called out to a new expedition, which seems to be the great battle that was to be fought at Armageddon, foretold Rev. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; At the beginning there will have been carnage, as we know, among both the western powers and the eastern powers. There was no doubt at all of the character of the emperor; there never had been a worse than he; yet God took that very opportunity to lay this on the Christians as their duty to the worldly authority outside and over them. They will then treat her with contempt and shameful exposure. approving of the destruction of Babel, because the Messiah was bringing justice Revelation 19:5 (1) And a voice came from the throne, saying, (2) "Give praise to our God, all you His bond-servants, you who fear Him, the small and the great." 1. [Note: Lilje, p. Babylon is the parent of the "abominations of the earth." took on His righteousness. Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.". The eternal smoke Even the proclamation of the grace of God is powerless save it be brought home by the quickening energy of His own Spirit. He was the word of God in the revelation of grace; when known, by and by, it will be as the executor of God's judgments. judgment. "And he that spoke with me had a golden reed as a measure, that he might measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof. A further account of the triumphant song of angels and saints for the fall of Babylon, ver 1-4. How can it be said that this vile, corrupt, idolatrous system of the last days was guilty of the blood of all martyrs? And I think that this has been declared all the way through, because this is one of the areas that Satan constantly challenges concerning God, the fairness of God's judgments when he deals and meats out His judgments upon man. ages, which becomes clear in the remainder of the book. Each of these three great attributes of God should awaken its own response in the heart of man. Verse 5. And then we come to a most cheering disclosure: "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and [I saw] the souls of those beheaded on account of the witness of Jesus, and on account of the word of God: and those who had not worshipped the beast, nor his image, and had not received his mark upon their forehead, and on their hand; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years."
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