No sacred servant in My Church understands the Book of Revelation, yet. The Truth will upset many and the Truth will be bitter to swallow, for it is of such magnitude that only those who are strong in their love for Me will be able to accept it. 5. WHO ISMARIA DIVINE MERCY? The official website for the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy Province in the United States of the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. My dear child, today is a special day, as Heaven celebrates the anniversary of my first message given to you as a messenger of God. And now the gravest errors will come about, throughout all Christian Churches, when sin will be cast to one side. Worse still, they twist the truth and compare these messages with new and ludicrous interpretations of the Holy Bible. The messages, they say, do not conform with Holy Scripture. Prophets are sent into the world, only because of the Love of God, to prepare His children for events, which will have an impact on the salvation of their souls. Come to Me, and I will help you to see all that matters. One day, you will understand why this purification is needed. My only desire is to save them all. Do not allow those souls, whose hearts are festered with hatred, to pull you away from the Truth. The Magazine Basic Theme by This new false doctrine will have nothing to do with Me and only those who believe in the Holy Gospel, and who refuse to deviate from it, will find Eternal Life. What Is The Gospel? They will believe then when the proof of The Warning is witnessed. Tuesday, February 17th, 2015 @ 17:00. Yet they knew, in their hearts, that they were being guided by God and felt no fear as they spoke with His voice. Click here for 2014 Messages Book of Truth You, who are faithful to Christ, do you not think that you, too, are sinners in the Eyes of God? Love of self, means that religions and so-called spiritual enlightening sects appeal to the greed of mens hearts. I blasphemed against the Laws of the Church, they said, and violated the Sabbath by conducting the Paschal Meal on a different day to the one they deemed to be correct. We, my dear friends, we should know that "the Truth hurts". They will never die because they spoke the Word of the Lord, God the Most High. All messages and prayers (PDF) Messages on this site, which were receieved by Maria Divine Mercy, are contained in The Book of Truth, foretold in the Book of Daniel. You have been given the summary and yet many of you refuse to acknowledge its contents. St. Thomas Aquinas confirms, saying: "There being . You will be asked to tell the Truth, but the Truth will shock, just as it will salvage souls. You must never dismiss the Word given to a prophet of God. Jesus once Said to you and to me the following: "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. The Blessed Virgin Mary revealed her last title on earth to Maria and wishes to be known, through this mission, as the Mother of Salvation. You may be redeemed every time you confess your sins, but your soul will remained cleansed for only a short time. When My Work is completed, My Covenant will finally be fulfilled. Only when the evil one and those who slavishly follow the lies he promises, are destroyed, finally can the world become calm. My Presence covers the Earth and this has provoked much hatred, as Satan poisons the minds of My followers. They are Mine, My cherished Creation. This time His Holy Word, given to you the end time prophet, will not be accepted in my Sons Church on earth. For us to introduce you to the Depth, the Love, the Mercy, the Righteousness, the Truth, the Accuracy, the Purity, the Divinity of these unique messages given to Maria Divine Mercy in The Book of Truth would be an impossible task to achieve on this man-made and very imperfect platform. DONE TO CAUSE DISRUPTION TO YOUR PRAYER GROUPS, Given through Maria Divine Mercy on Thursday, January 17, 2013, All Messages and Crusade Prayers given to Maria Divine Mercy above may all be freely read and downloaded in their entirety at this link, Messages on The Holy Eucharist through Maria Divine Mercy. around every world leader or head of government in the world. My dearly beloved daughter, I Am bound to inform My followers that you will become chastised, by certain sacred servants of Mine. My Word is clear, My Teachings infinite. When there can only be ONE Truth, there could never be TWO or TWO THOUSAND other truths. You will be listened to yet I urge you to remain silent and not to comment to those who question you or challenge you. But now, when the plan to remove the Holy Eucharist comes about, you will be helpless. In your own way. We love You, dearest Jesus, our beloved Saviour and Redeemer. Although my Sons teachings have never changed they will find fault with His Holy Word given to them now. I constantly seek them out. You must allow the happiness, which can only come as a Gift from God, to flood your souls in the knowledge of what is to come. For this, you will receive many gifts from Me, as I need your help to save souls. I ask that you allow me, your beloved Mother, to fill your hearts with joy. Rejected, ridiculed, cast aside and deemed as eccentric, just as I was during My time on earth they still delivered the Word of God. Always remember that Satan will never stop tormenting this and other missions, which are authentic, for they come from God. Life of the body becomes yours when you believe in Me and your soul will live forever. Yet, it is our duty to listen carefully to those voices crying in the wilderness, calling us to abandon all that is sinful, perishing and unholy, and to return to our Creator with open hearts willing to receive Gods forgiveness and His Graces so that we might receive the fullness of His Light and Truth. I hear everything. Then I will give you the peace you crave. Divine Mercy (official) | Stockbridge MA - Facebook Messages and prayers can be downloaded and saved. He always fulfils His Promise. We pledge our surrender, our hearts, and all that we possess, so that we are free of obstacles, as we continue the thorny road towards the gates of the New Paradise. I do not seek out the wicked to destroy them easily. Please click below for a free downloadable PDF copy of the Book of Truth (1613 pages). And so we shall recite this Crusade Prayer given to Maria Divine Mercy from Jesus Christ: Victory of the Remnant Church Crusade Prayer: Jesus, King and Saviour of the world, to You do we pledge our honour, our loyalty and deeds, to proclaim Your Glory to all. They could not accept how God works in that He does not exalt the powerful or the most experienced religious leaders in His Church to unveil His plans, or warn His children. My Mission is not to give you a new Bible, for that could never be, as My Fathers Book contains the whole Truth. Podcasts from the Marian Fathers The blogger (a soul) is only providing this outside website link to help people. Our lives? And that is what FromRome.Info is all about. My dearly beloved daughter, the pain of the prophets who came before you has never truly been known. No. Most of Gods prophets were despised, mocked and considered to be heretics. Here you can find all the Messages up to 4 March, 2015 and the Crusade Prayers. Only God knows. 2010 Messages - Book Of Truth - Maria Divine Mercy Self-gratification does not lead to God, or the Truth. Only the missions, which truly come from God, attract such hatred. Until that happens there can be no peace on Earth. Make no mistake: in Revelation 10:10, John clearly speaks of End Times during which such Truth will Be hard to digest in the bitterness It Causes to us. $16.95. Thank you for responding with faith, hope and trust, to my call and that of my Son. When they see the Earth twist, shake and other punishments poured down upon them, they will still argue that there is a scientific reason for it. In this way, human pride, on the part of the prophet, is unlikely to interfere with the Truth. You were called suddenly and with haste as I moved to ensure that the world was given the Truth. Brothers and Sisters,I am a follower of Jesus Christ and these Holy messages sent from Heaven. Humanity has embraced humanism and atheism as a substitute for Me. To prepare you., 12 Prophecies That Indicate Trouble Ahead for Papacy AND HOW TO RESPOND IF POPE FRANCIS IS THE FALSE PROPHET By Dr. Kelly Bowring, The Book of Truth (Daniel And Revelation) The Two Witnesses (Elijah The Prophet) Maria Divine Mercy By a soul around every continent, every country, every land mass, every water mass in the world. They believe that My Second Coming will not take place until far into the future. They will be informed, and this I will do in parts. And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four. This blog is the fruit of a request by Jesus to the faithful to spread the messages of the Book of Truth on blogs. On the 11 February 2013 he announced plans to resign. Now the world is being prepared again because of the Love of My Father for all His children. I, the Mother of Salvation, will remain your protector and I will answer every request that you make of me. Go now, My daughter, and never fret when hatred is shown to you in this Mission, for you and all those who hear My Call will then be in no doubt Who it is that they oppose. They refuse to believe that My Father could possibly send into the world, in their time, His final prophet. My Sons Church on earth will not listen this time, yet they know how my Son was treated the first time. One day, you will understand why this purification is needed. My Son created division although that was not His intention. I Am God of the Most High, Who, because of the free will I have given to all of My children, will have to suffer enduring pain until the New Paradise on Earth evolves. No man knows the Truth of the real contents of the Book of Revelation. Maria Divine Mercy | Little Pebble I am patient. Satans influence will always create confusion, disorder, illogical and cunning arguments, and will always be laced with hatred against Gods children. EVERYTHING WILL BE DONE TO CAUSE DISRUPTION TO YOUR PRAYER GROUPS Go in love and peace and know that I live in your hearts. You can DOWNLOAD/PRINT the SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD in all languages by clicking here, VIDEO: THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD CRUSADE PRAYER 33. In your world today do you think it will be any different? You may believe that God would not need to send another prophet that mankind was released from the stranglehold of Satan, after My death on the Cross, that you have been given the Truth through My Teachings already, and that the Truth is contained in My Fathers Book, the most Holy Bible. Trust in Me, your beloved Father, Who lovingly created each of you. Sin will always stand between you and God., Blog Post (3/2/17): They gave Pope Francis four years to make the Church over again. Heres how hes tried a short introductory post with link to article on LifeSiteNews, The Book of Truth: A Critical Review by Michael Shimpert add to cart. Always. No, for they did not believe him. Every word you utter in this Mission comes from Me. As you read the messages and the prayers contained on this website please open your heart and pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to you, illuminate your heart and impart the grace to discern the source of the words contained herein. Any man who claims to be Me, or any man who tells you Jesus walks the Earth in human flesh, is a liar. I also ask that you refuse to engage in any kind of hatred in My Holy Name. These messages comprise The Book of Truth. They will be fooled into believing, instead, in the false prophets and as there are so many of them wolves in sheeps clothing they will be drawn to those who will say all the things they want to hear. Pope Benedict XVI was the first Pope to abdicate in over 600 years and it later came to light that there was in fact a "Cardinal Mafia" which worked to remove Pope Benedict XVI and install Jorge Bergoglio ('Pope Francis'). Thursday, May 23rd, 2013.,, Also see: 43 Translations of the SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD can be downloaded for free on Google Drive: Do we believe to be better than the pagans? I do this now through My messenger Maria Divine Mercy who will convey My Words, not hers, to a disbelieving world. Because of this I do not want to lose one soul. You will see these links on the right-hand side column at the very bottom of the listed links. Then you will, My children, join in unison with My Holy Will. Statement on Maria Divine Mercy | Archdiocese of Dublin We could add that such Grace and Truth in Christ were rejected and crucified as He Came to Walk on this unworthy dirt from which we are minted. "So I went to the angel, telling him to give me the little book. For a short introduction to the messages and prayers in the Book of Truth, as well as a free downloadable mp3 audio recording and free downloadable 2-page pamphlet, see this page: When something is UNQUESTIONABLE it leaves no room for any DOUBTS. Not one of you is loved less than the other. Your email address will not be published. I constantly seek them out. The month before? She saw Jesus clothed in a white garment with His right hand raised in blessing. And to purify you. All this suffering will bring Me more souls. You must ignore these attacks. His simple demeanour meant that few could accept the fact that he was the Son of God. You will remain alone like a voice in the wilderness. "I, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, only have the Authority to reveal to you the Truth in these times. Never do I desire revenge, no matter how evil the deeds of men are. Without the Book of Truth, you, My disciples, would be like lambs being led to the slaughter, as you must know that your faith in God will be challenged and many efforts will be made to wipe out all traces of Me, Jesus Christ, off the face of the Earth. Maria Divine Mercy. Do not fear, God will not abandon you." Click below to purchase a paperback-copy of the Book of Truth (multiple translations) and the prayer book-Crusade of Prayer (multiple translations), Scapular of The Seal of The Living God, and the Medal of Salvation: Redirects to a different website-online store (ships worldwide): ChristoGifts It did not matter to them that they were laughed at because they knew the Truth of God was the food of life. My dearly beloved daughter, My dearest wish is to bring love, peace and happiness to all of Gods children. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Throughout history, Gods prophets have been rejected; the most glaring example being Gods Only Son who was crucified by the very people He came to save. Everything will be done to cause disruption to your Prayer Group. You will be led into a doctrine of deceit. They denied Him for they thought that the Messiah would be majestic, proud and would command attention in the highest echelons of the church. This is why My Father prepares you now, for He never gives up when preparing His children for His Great Mercy. Insults, accusations of heresy, lies, anger and hatred will be their lot. You must never reject Gods attempts to bring you the Truth. We unite ourselves in body, mind and spirit within Your Sacred Heart. EXPLAINING THE FAITH DVD. You will be given every kind of excuse all of them simply meant to prevent My Work from being done. This is a Gift for the world and many will be saved as a result of this event. They are also known for their devotion to Mary Only I, the Lamb of God, have the authority to reveal what they contain. Please click below to read online on this blog the Book of Truth Organized by Year and Month. Do those among you who proclaim to know Me not think that My Father would send a final prophet to prepare you, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, before My Second Coming? For Audio Use: Litany and Crusade Prayers on MP3 (download on link), Crusade Prayers for Priests Clergy Sacred Servants (3 pages) PDF, Crusade Prayers for Priests Clergy Sacred Servants (3 pages) ODT, Crusade Prayers for Priests Clergy Sacred Servants (3 pages) WordDoc, Crusade Prayers for Priests Clergy Sacred Servants (3 pages) WordDocX, Prayers from the Book of Truth (49 pages numerical order) PDF, Prayers from the Book of Truth (49 pages numerical order) ODT, Prayers from the Book of Truth (49 pages numerical order) WordDoc, Prayers from the Book of Truth (49 pages numerical order) WordDocX, Crusade of Prayer Booklet 8.5 x 11 (3 columns) (28 pages numerical order) PDF, PRAYERS FOR USE IN CRUSADE PRAYER GROUPS (61 pages arranged) PDF, PRAYERS FOR USE IN CRUSADE PRAYER GROUPS (61 pages arranged) ODT, PRAYERS FOR USE IN CRUSADE PRAYER GROUPS (61 pages arranged) WordDoc, PRAYERS FOR USE IN CRUSADE PRAYER GROUPS (61 pages arranged) WordDocX, GUIDELINES FOR CRUSADE OF PRAYER GROUPS (7 pages) PDF, GUIDELINES FOR CRUSADE OF PRAYER GROUPS (7 pages) ODT, GUIDELINES FOR CRUSADE OF PRAYER GROUPS (7 pages) WordDoc, GUIDELINES FOR CRUSADE OF PRAYER GROUPS (7 pages) WordDocX, ***Also note, on the homepage of this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, there are several outside links to foreign language websites that have free translated versions of the Book of Truth and Crusade of Prayer. When you have to endure opposition, in the Name of God, know that, when the Holy Trinity presents the Word to humanity through a prophet, it will be the worst kind. The Book of Truth will unite you when your faith will be tested. Our Infinitely Loving God Has Promised to Bring His Kingdom for a Thousand Years of Peace: THY KINGDOM COME, Thy Will Be Done, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Add to Cart. Click here for 2015 Messages Book of Truth All Messages and Crusade Prayers given to Maria Divine Mercy above may all be freely read and downloaded in their entirety at this link Book of Truth, please see also Message to Maria Divine Mercy Monday, February 20th, 2012, My beloved daughter, My Heart heaves in sorrow for the sins of My children. My Sons Church turn a deaf ear to the gift of prophecy. Alexis Bugnolo True mercy is saving those who are deceived from lies. They either attack these messages based on hearsay by others who claim to know the Truth or they declare them to be untrue based on their flawed interpretation of the Truth. Free shipping for many products! You are ready to take up your armour to fight to keep My Word alive in a place of desolation. Reject Me before My Second Coming and you will not be ready to receive Me. This website contains a back-up of the heavenly messages and prayers originally published on the website, which is no longer in operation. The Word of God, as contained in the Holy Bible, both the Old and the New Testaments, the Word of God, the Truth, is being given to the world through these messages by the Gift of the Holy Spirit. During my Sons time on earth He faced huge obstacles. This is My great desire. To warn you. Followers of Maria Divine Mercy have been scammed by an extremely Accept them with love, and I will envelop you in My Holy Arms. Do we believe to be better than the pagans? Many miracles involve the . Indeed, we are the publishers of St. Faustina's diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul , in many languages . Maria Divine Mercy | World Messages There is still more you have to know as the prophecies contained in the Book of Revelation are not known to you. Those who follow these Messages will form the kernel and from this will grow the shoots and then the branches of My Remnant Army all over the world. Therefore, we must consume the Truth Contained within the Book that reveals It, as It Is revealed in what we unworthily consume in the Eucharist, Who Is the Truth in Flesh. It has always been Gods desire to intervene in the world by revealing the Truth to chosen souls as a mean to create a better understanding as to what is needed to save your soul. Maria Divine Mercy received a prophetic message about Pope Benedict XVI being "ousted" exactly one year to the day before his shocking resignation. Are you and I among those stars? I do not seek out the wicked to destroy them easily. My dear children you have been given the Prayers, the Gifts and the armour to forge ahead in preparation for the Second Coming of my precious Son, Jesus Christ. Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 @ 22:12. Neither death of the body, or the soul can exist in My New Paradise. Turn to Me and I will pour My Light over you. Your will is Mine, for you gave it away to Me and now I reside completely within you. And now, I Am to be crucified once more and this time there will be little mourning for My Body My Church for you will have deserted Me by the time I come on the Great Day. Divine Mercy | Marians of the Immaculate Conception God the Father, she explains, has given her The Seal of the Living God Crusade Prayer (33) a prayer of protection against the antichrist also foretold in the Bible in the Book of Revelation. Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul - eBay Revelation 7:2-3, The Seal of The Living God given through Maria Divine Mercy, From the Book of Truth Will you, devoted followers of Me, and those who claim to be experts in My Christian or other churches who believe in My Eternal Father, accept the Word of God today? Courage, my dear children, all is in the Hands of my Son, Who will seek out every soul, including the most hardened amongst you. But I will not walk the Earth beforehand. The Marian Fathers are perhaps best known for their work promoting the message of Divine Mercy from Stockbridge, Massachusetts. So now you should understand why you are different to visionaries. But I will tell you what is inscribed in the book of truth: there is none who contends by my side against these except Michael, your prince. My Mission is not to give you a new Bible, for that could never be, as My Fathers Book contains the whole Truth
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