After she told Holly not to touch her, Simon felt Holly was harsher to her on the field: yelling at her frequently, taking her out of games regardless of her performance, and refusing to shake her hand when she came off the field, but shaking other players' hands. Mental Health First Aid training tailored toward sport professionals could help players and staff develop the skills to recognize and respond to players navigating mental health challenges. Consider Developing a Plan to Conduct Exit Interviews of Departing Players Holly also asked Simon to send him suggestive pictures of herself, including a request for a picture of her in his boxers. In many cases, a lack of separation between players' professional responsibilities and personal lives allowed staff members to exercise undue influence over players. Comments further stated that Dames made "sexist, racist, abusive, and other prejudicial remarks at players." In essence, that's part of building trust, you have to create transparency. Regarding confidentiality, O'Connor stated repeatedly that confidentiality was at odds with the club's culture of trust" and "transparency," and that there was no need for confidentiality in reporting unless there were issues that were "illegal or immoral." Although Plush asserted that he tried to dissuade the Flash from pursuing Riley, he did not give the Flash any information about why they should not pursue Riley. Plush said he subsequently spoke to Joe Sahlen over the phone in December 2015 reiterating that the club should not hire Riley. When Baird asked Levine if they should meet with Farrelly, Levine replied that they should email Farrelly first. When contacting former employers, the NWSL should not just verify employment, but should inquire into any past incidents of misconduct. Pauw appeared for but refused to cooperate in an interview with the Joint Investigative Team, but she provided a written denial of what she suspected were the allegations against her, including a statement that she has never remarked on any player's appearance. According to Markgraf, Wahlke said that the Thorns had investigated the matter, and Markgraf understood from the conversation that Riley had been cleared and that his departure from the club was not related to the 2015 investigation. Plush eventually resigned as CEO of USA Curling nearly a month after the Yates report detailed his inaction and culpability in allowing Riley to continue coaching in the NWSL following Riley's 2015 sexual misconduct in Portland. Subsequently, on more than one occasion, Holly held doors open for Simon and grabbed her buttocks as she passed by him. Another player said she felt that Whisler had "loyalty" to Dames and did not hear" players' concerns. At the time of LaHues firing, limited information was provided to the public. However, the allegations once again were not responded to appropriately by the NWSL, including by Levine, who had read Shim's 2015 allegations against Riley as well as the 2015 investigative report. The day Racing Louisville fired Holly, players received a text message to meet at the training facility that evening for an "emergency meeting. These threats, or even the perceived risk of waiver for raising concerns or expressing disagreement with clubs and coaches, signaled to players that they were dispensable. Kurtz said that Riley's conduct led her to develop an eating disorder for which she later sought professional help. Players reported that playing time and favorable feedback from coaches were critical to their chances of selection for the USWNT; a lack of playing time also impacted sponsorship opportunities, without which many players had to work second jobs in the off-season to supplement their income. Players Lacked Clear Guidance Regarding What Constituted Misconduct .. Wilkinson told the Joint Investigative Team that Lines previously knew Riley, and that he felt Lines had been "ticking a box" by contacting Wilkinson. The Yahoo! The 2021 Anti-Harassment Policy prohibited harassment, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, bullying, hazing, and other forms of physical and emotional misconduct. Mishandling of Rory Dames's Misconduct by U.S. Soccer, the NWSL, and the Chicago Red Stars For instance, when the Flash were vetting Riley, Wilkinson told the Flash that Riley was a good coach if not for the reason he had been terminated. a In this meeting, she recounted that Riley sent her text messages that made her uncomfortable and refused to trade her from the Courage despite her request for a trade. When asked about the 2015 player survey responses regarding Lines, Gulati said he did not recall having any conversations about Lines's treatment of players, and Gulati did not know why Lines was moved from the head coach role to a front office role. Rather, she said the focus of the interview was on assessing the truth of Shim's allegations and determining whether Farrelly had told anyone about the incident. Plush also said he spoke to Lines and Alex Sahlen in January 2016, encouraging them to look elsewhere for a new coach." Gotham fired her on July 9, 2021, and said in a statement seven days later that the dismissal was based on the results of a league investigation into a complaint of a violation of league policy.. When the League initiated an investigation into a complaint against Dames in 2018, Whisler spoke directly to Dames about the complainant and created the risk that Dames would retaliate against the player. The Joint Investigative Team sent emails to all current and former players for whom the NWSL maintained an active email address, encouraging players to share any information about harassment, abuse, bullying, discrimination, or any other misconduct they experienced or observed during their time playing in the NWSL. In June 2021, on behalf of a Gotham FC player, the Clubs Director of Operations submitted to the NWSL a complaint alleging that Gothams General Manager Alyse LaHue had harassed a player. B. A consultant who assessed Riley's email account as part of the 2015 Thorns Investigation concluded that Riley had deleted the message from his inbox, and then further selected it for permanent deletion from the deleted items folder, which he had 2. 93, In one case, an individual designated to receive player complaints was accused of misconduct, leaving players feeling as though they had no recourse to report those individuals. At an end-of-season meeting in 2019, she asked Riley for a trade. Simon recalled that during the camp, Holly did in fact try to get Simon to come to his hotel room, but she never did. Two other players recalled that Benstiti mentioned Horan by name. If misconduct under the Anti-Harassment Policy is revealed as part of the Alternative Complaint Resolution program process, the misconduct should be reported promptly to the NWSL HR Office and/or the NWSL General Counsel. . With regards to the League's legal and HR functions, from 2012-2017, then-U.S. Soccer General Counsel Levine handled the NWSL's legal and HR responsibilities in the absence of an NWSL general counsel. f) Failure to Disseminate Findings No information about the investigation or Riley's termination was made public until the release of the Athletic article on September 30, 2021. A spokesperson for Gotham FC provided Equalizer with the following statement regarding the handling of the complaint made against LaHue: NJ/NY Gotham FC ownership acted immediately upon learning of a confidential player complaint against former General Manager Alyse LaHue. When Racing Louisville learned of Holly's sexual misconduct toward Erin Simon, the club acted quickly, firing him within hours of speaking to Simon, and in spite of a request from the NWSL that they pause to let the League investigate. For example, one former player explained, If I don't cover my man and they score, that might warrant screaming." . An additional reputational check-which would involve additional research into the candidate, including interviews with references and other contacts-is not required, but can be conducted at the club's election. A majority of the players who participated in the investigation raised the concern that "Dames would get close to players, learn personal information about them, and then use the information he gained . The investigation was conducted in a trauma-informed, survivor-centered manner, respecting the empowerment, autonomy, and physical and mental wellbeing of any individual impacted by inappropriate conduct. Leaders from U.S. Soccer avoided taking responsibility for systemic failures to protect players, contending that decision-making authority and the responsibility to address misconduct lay with the NWSL and club owners. During the 2021 season, however, a series of news reports exposed multiple examples of interpersonal misconduct going back years by coaches and other club staff towards players in the NWSL. Starr also recalled Simon showing her text messages she had received from Holly, including messages 1. Set a "Tone From the Top" That Promotes Player Safety and Well-Being The NWSL should take steps to ensure that leaders of every club in the Leagueincluding owners, presidents, general managers, and other executives-are committed to creating a culture in which player safety is a priority and players are expected and encouraged to report concerns about misconduct. Clarkson believed the player was hungover because he had been alerted by a local friend that the sick player had gone out the night before with some Dash teammates and several Pumas players. The NWSL should advise clubs to offer players the opportunity to speak candidly about their views on prospective coaches or staff and should guard vigilantly against any potential retaliation or breach of confidentiality associated with players sharing their views. A. Separately, during a large group meeting with Baird and Levine, she told them about some of her experiences with Riley. Club policies should also inform individuals of the reporting channels listed in the NWSL Anti-Harassment Policy and should remind club staff of their obligation to report potential policy violations to the NWSL HR Office or NWSL General Counsel. Dames would "hang out with some players more often than others," and a player remembered hearing that some players felt Dames "always want[ed] to hang out," in a way that made them uncomfortable. COVINGTON She recalled trying to leave Holly's house, but as she rounded a corner to go downstairs to leave, Holly grabbed her arm. Courage owner Steve Malik said when he learned of a complaint that Riley made inappropriate weightrelated comments, he did not follow up with the player; instead, he presumed the League would respond to [the] complaint" because he was told the complaint went to the League. According to this review, in 2021, players described Dames as 'condescending', 'manipulative', 'aggressive', 'insulting', [and] an intimidator. Players said they felt that Dames targeted "one or two players" and that he "utilize[d] preexisting relationships. Dames's behavior to U.S. Soccer's investigator. And while the coaches offered some purported legitimate, non-retaliatory The lack of clearly established responsibilities allowed individuals within these institutions to disclaim personal responsibility for player protection and to turn a blind eye or shift blame to other individuals and entities, while players were left exposed to further misconduct and unsafe environments. Around August 2019, U.S. Soccer was considering Riley for the position of head coach for the USWNT, though several current and former U.S. Soccer employees stated that Riley was never in serious contention for the role. The team, including the head coach, later engaged in conversations regarding creating a safe workplace for players. According to the report: "While the NWSL investigation [of the 2021 incident with Gorden] was ongoing, Dash Head Coach James Clarkson -- during a team meeting prior to completion of the investigation -- wrote phone numbers for stadium security on a board and asked players to call and apologize for their conduct." Courage leadership was made aware of Riley's conduct toward Kurtz, who also reported her experiences directly to then-NWSL commissioner Lisa Baird in a group meeting last year. According to Garcia's interview notes, her interview with Farrelly lasted only 30 minutes, though Farrelly recalled it being even shorter. In any case, Riley told them that if they kissed, the team would not have to run the "suicide mile, an intensive fitness drill, that week. However, there have historically been no established processes at the NWSL for sharing information about misconduct on any level. The League received information about Riley's misconduct while at the Thorns, but the League allowed him to continue to coach, first at the Flash and then at the Courage. According to players and staff, including Cromwell and Greene, Cromwell and Greene deliberately declined to speak with these players, adopted as wholesale negative reports of these players' behavior from other players, and refused to entertain that there was another side to the stories, even when another staff member offered to facilitate a dialogue between the coaching staff and certain players. Simon told Starr that Holly would do "inappropriate things to her, even when Pearce Rampone was present but unaware. Kurtz said that she found the text to be "weird" and was confused as to whether Riley was trying to invite her to the bar. However, the Joint Investigative Team found no evidence that the letters were written or sent. The same player said that Holly told her she should send a photo to someone she had planned to meet for a date but who did not show up for the date. The Joint Investigative Team also committed, with the authorization of the NWSL and the NWSLPA, to protect the confidentiality of players who reported inappropriate conduct they experienced or witnessed to the extent permitted by law. Players were aware not only of the NWSL's uncertain future, but also of the precariousness of their own individual futures within the NWSL. Shortly after the Flash hired Riley, Paulson expressed to Alex Sahlen that he had "a lot of affection" for Riley. "The continuation of ongoing investigations initiated under the NWSL's current antiharassment policy, and the recommendation of sanctions where appropriate." The Joint Investigative Team created an email address and phone number for individuals to confidentially provide information. Pick Up an Oar and Ride the Boat with Alyse LaHue As discussed above, after U.S. Soccer directed the League to hand over its investigation into Dames, the League was not briefed on the findings. The next day, Riley said, "A deal is a deal," and he did not require the team to run the suicide mile that week. Riley also engaged in other inappropriate behavior during his tenure on the Thorns, and he surrounded himself with staff members who were not likely to speak out against him. NWSL staff began reviewing and compiling the results of 2020 player surveys, but they did not complete a comprehensive review of the responses. Third, the Joint Investigative Team found that the Thorns, the NWSL, and U.S. Soccer failed on numerous occasions to fully and clearly communicate the allegations and findings against Riley to other NWSL clubs that subsequently hired Riley. Simon shoved Holly's hands away, and in response, she felt that Holly looked at her like it was a "challenge." Another player said it was "tough" to report "racial allegations" as a Black woman because "it almost feels like you're having to convince someone that it actually happened." One player recalled that Riley held film sessions in a Sexism and Gender Bias Later that day, NWSL Commissioner Lisa Baird resigned. Plush told the Joint Investigative Team that the Flash had been considering Riley since October 2015, and Plush warned Lines in October 2015 that the Flash should not hire Riley but should follow up with the Thorns as to why Riley was "no longer coaching there." 1. In a second case, a club hired a technical staff member who participated in training sessions before his required vetting was complete. If it's big enough to take it to the League . These players' clear descriptions of particular experiences with Dames call into question the report's conclusion that players "struggled to articulate what they meant." The Joint Investigative Team requested an interview with Holly, and he initially agreed to be interviewed. Racing Louisville only provided more meaningful cooperation after the USSF Report criticized the club for its "limited" cooperation with U.S. Soccer's investigation. 4. Rather, the allegations and findings against Riley were frequently downplayed, including by discussing only certain aspects of certain of the allegations against Riley and, as noted, by using the determination of no unlawful harassment to summarize the investigative findings. Where necessary to gather additional facts, the NWSLPA further followed up with some players directly, requesting they share their experiences with the Joint Investigative Team. 100 The world of professional soccer, and professional sports more broadly, presents unique questions about what constitutes inappropriate conduct by coaches and other staff. The NWSL should also periodically assess the effectiveness of its training programs by reviewing participant evaluations and ensuring that the training materials reflect the latest guidance or norms on workplace conduct. Jeff Plush received Shim's September 2015 complaint alleging sexual misconduct by Paul Riley, and he then forwarded the complaint to individuals at U.S. Soccer and discussed it with Merritt Paulson and Gavin Wilkinson. Around this time, a Racing Louisville staff member raised concerns that Holly was romantically involved with another staff member at Racing Louisville and that this alleged relationship negatively impacted the team environment. Spirit players reported that Burke also used the full N-word in recounting past racism against a family member; asked players if he should sing the "Black version" or "white version" of "Happy Birthday"; and joked, to a player wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt and who had a black eye, that "black eyes matter." Shim attached to her email to Baird her September 16, 2015 email to the Thorns in which she made the complaint against Riley, along with responses to her complaint by Garcia and Plush. 58, imbalance between supervisors and their reports; (ii) the threat of favoritism; and Given this conduct, players feared retaliation from Burke and held back from criticizing him out of fear they would be waived. Inquiry Finds Widespread Misconduct In Women's Pro Soccer The summary also stated that the allegation was "credibly denied by Whisler," but he in fact did not explicitly deny the allegation. Levine explained to the Joint Investigative Team that she made the report "the day [she] learned of [the] sexual relationship between [Riley] and a player," referring to Farrelly. It explicitly requires club employees to elevate all reports of misconduct to the League and clearly states that the League will investigate such reports. Players, fans, and the public expressed anger that the NWSL and its member clubs had failed to protect players while shielding perpetrators from public humiliation or the loss of job opportunities. 31, [U.S. Soccer] are aware of the issues because they were raised when he was at the Thorns." On some occasions, the NWSL and clubs failed to timely address misconduct until the public was made aware or until players took initiative to speak up about the issue. Interviewees reported that the performance staff told Clarkson that the player was dealing with altitude sickness (Mexico City is over 7300 feet above sea level). The NWSLPA also established a 24-hour anonymous reporting system through which players could report abuse, and invited reports directly to the NWSLPA, the Joint Investigative Team, or to the NWSLPA's counsel at Weil.
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