[17][18] According to Pulitzer Center 35,000 people become Pentecostal or "Born again" every day. By 2040, Muslims will replace Jews as the nations second-largest religious group after Christians. [319] While Muslim birth rates are expected to experience a decline, it will remain above replacement level and higher fertility than the world's overall by 2050. Changement de prnom et stratgies identitaires, entre culture d'origine et migration [Shklzen or Giannis? [41][42], This growth reverses the rapid decline that Chinese traditional religion faced in the 20th century. [282] According to Pew Research Center 99% of Hindus lived in the Indo-Pacific region in 2010. After the death of Muhammad in 632 CE, the young Muslim federation came under strain. Conversions involving Islam sometimes look like a one-way street in the West. It has a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error. On the other hand, the secular West and East Asia have very low fertility and rapidly aging populations. The epicentre of these trends will be in immigration gateway cities like New York (a third white), Amsterdam (half Dutch), Los Angeles (28% white), and London, 45% white British. 55% of the Muslims who quit Islam prefer to follow no religion while 22% specifically adopt to become Christians. This scenario (Chinese scenario) is based primarily on sensitivity tests. By. [462] The religion began in the region of Punjab in eastern Pakistan and Northwest India. He vowed to return after 500 years at the time of natural disaster and political corruption. Conference on Religion and Violence. [426] However, the growth has not been even. The results gave a figure of 1,400 conversions in the capital in the past 12 months which, when. In this . [51], By 2050, the Christian population is expected to exceed 3billion. [317] According to Foreign Policy, high birth rates were cited as the reason for the Muslim population growth. replacement level. They were sometimes effectively unable to prevent conversion but they were certainly not going to use force to achieve it. [38] As for religious conversion, the religiously unaffiliated is expected to have the largest net gains through religious conversion between 2010 and 2050, notably on Europe and Americas. 22 August 2019. [229], According to the Pew Research Center, Christianity is declining in the United States while non-Christian faiths are growing. However, this does not gives us a direct comparison of suicide between countries - this share will also be influenced by the magnitude of other causes of death. Growth of religion involves the spread of individual religions and the increase in the numbers of religious adherents around the world. Similar shares listed reasons related to a preference for other religions or philosophies (16%) and personal growth experiences (14%), such as becoming more educated or maturing. [52] Christians have 2.7 children per woman, which is above replacement level (2.1). [498] Recent estimates place the current number of Zoroastrians at around 110,000120,000,[499] at most with the majority living in India, Iran, and North America; their number has been thought to be declining. [440][441][442], Because Bah's do not represent the majority of the population in any country,[443] and most often represent only a tiny fraction of countries' total populations,[444] there are problems of under-reporting. [26] The study also reveals that, due to young age & relatively high fertility rate among Muslims by 2050 there will be near parity between Muslims (2.8billion, or 30% of the population) and Christians (2.9billion, or 31%), possibly for the first time in history. But there are also states and counties with far fewer Muslims. About 6% of . [279] Syria is home to the largest Druzite community in the world, according to a study published by Columbia University, the number of Syrian Druze increased from 684,000 in 2010 to 730,000 in mid of 2018. [287], Hinduism is a growing religion in countries such as Ghana,[288] Russia,[289] and the United States. 2010 Chinese Jesus Life Survey conducted by Dr. Yang Fenggang, Purdue University's Center on Religion and Chinese Society. Islam will overcome Christianity to become the most popular religion in the world by 2070, with migration seeing a surge in Europe and America's Muslim population, research shows Islam's share. [80] According to scholar Francis Fukuyama of Stanford University "converts to Protestantism find their incomes, education levels, hygiene and social networks expanding". The number of officers leaving the police, in each of the last five years, is shown in Table 4.1 by reason for departure. [263] It's been also reported that conversion into Christianity is significantly increasing among Korean,[264] Chinese,[265] and Japanese in the United States. Although such attitudes have a long history in Europe, the idea that Muslims are 'the enemy' has become more widespread over the last 30 years. According to Pew research, 13 percent of Americans today self-identify as "former Catholics," and many of them leave organized religion altogether. [335] According to Harvard University professor Robert D. Putnam, there is increasing numbers of Americans who are leaving their faith and becoming unaffiliated and the average Iranian American is slightly less religious than the average American. ", most of them are women and African-Americans. According to the 2011 Census of India, there are 57,264 Parsis in India. Protestantism is one of the most dynamic religious movements in the contemporary world. [318] With 3.1 children per woman, Muslims have higher fertility levels than the world's overall population between 2010 and 2015. [249] According to the Council on Foreign Relations the "number of Chinese Protestants has grown by an average of 10 percent annually since 1979". Muslims are not evenly distributed around the country. [31] According to scholars of religious demographics, there are between 488 million,[32] 495 million,[33] and 535 million[34] Buddhists in the world. Ari Paltiel, Michel Sepulchre, Irene Kornilenko, Martin Maldonado: sfn error: no target: CITEREFRabbani1987 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFAffolter2005 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFHassal2022 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFPew_Global_Religious_Landscape2012 (, The United States does not measure religion during its censuses. [70] According to the same study, a large majority of those who raised as Christians (83%) in Western Europe, still identified themselves as Christians today. This increase primarily reflects the rapid growth of Haredi and some Orthodox sectors, who are becoming a growing proportion of Jews. In surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019, Pew found that 65 percent of Americans described themselves as Christian, a 12 percent decline over the past decade. [250] According to scholar Todd Hartch of Eastern Kentucky University, by 2005, around 6 million Africans converted to Christianity annually. What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA [504] One-fifth of the decrease in population is attributed to migration. For example, federal legislation prohibits and criminalizes non-Muslims for preaching or converting Muslims into their religion, even though the reverse is allowed. "[302] People switching their religions will likely have no effect on the growth of the Muslim population,[6] as the number of people who convert to Islam is roughly similar to those who leave Islam. Some metro areas, such as Washington, D.C., have sizable Muslim communities. [103] Doug Saunders states that by 2030 Muslims and Non-Muslims birth rates will be equal in Germany, Greece, Spain and Denmark without taking account of the Muslims immigration to these countries. [310] According to The New York Times, an estimated 25% of American Muslims are converts,[311] these converts are mostly African American. Some, mostly women who. He did not even appear in public when the Taliban regained power two decades later. The WRD is edited by demographers Todd M. Johnson[520] and Brian J. Most of the net growth in the numbers of Christians is in Africa, Latin America and Asia. [308] According to a report by CNN, "Islam has drawn converts from all walks of life, most notably African-Americans". [460], According to Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, by 2050 unaffiliated or nonreligious are expected to account for 27% of North America total population (up from 17.1% as in 2010), and 23% of Europe total population (up from 18% as in 2010). [369] Under Islamic law, Muslims are required to pay Zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam. [448] (See the geographic distribution of atheism. [39] Further in detail, 12million people have passed some formal initiation into Taoism, or adhere to the official Chinese Taoist Association. Many Moriscos were suspected of practicing Islam in secret . [50] According to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Christianity (1.38%) is one of the six fastest-growing religions in the world, with high birth rates and conversions in the global South were being cited as the major reasons of the Christian population growth. [459] The decline is largely due to the advanced age (median age of 34) and low fertility among unaffiliated or Nonreligious (1.7 children per woman in the 20102015 period). It also stated that "the number of people who embrace Islam and the number of those who leave Islam are roughly equal. [38] According to scholar Mark Juergensmeyer of University of California, Berkeley, the global Christian population increased at an average annual rate of 2.3%, while Roman Catholicism is growing by 1.3% annually, Protestantism is growing by 3.3% annually, and Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism is growing by 7% annually. How many Muslims leave Islam in India? The clash of internal currents is wearing the movement down a year and a half after it regained power in Afghanistan. According to Pew Forum, Hindus are anticipated to continue to be concentrated primarily in the Indo-Pacific region in 2050. It is due to the fall of the fertility rate in many Muslim majority countries. [327] While both religions will grow but Muslim population will exceed the Christian population and by 2100, Muslim population (35%) will be 1% more than the Christian population (34%). "[294], Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. [88] According to scholar Michael Nai-Chiu Poon of University of Toronto conversion to Christianity is increasing among Chinese Singaporeans. About a quarter say they preferred the beliefs or teachings of Islam to those of their prior religion, while 21% say they read religious texts or studied Islam before making the decision to switch. [439] However, since around 2001 the Universal House of Justice has prioritized statistics of the community by their levels of activity rather than simply their population of avowed adherents or numbers of local assemblies. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. [490] Wicca, which is largely a "Pagan" religion primarily attracts followers of nature-based religions in, as an example, the Southeast Valley region of the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area. In India, Islam was brought by various traders and rulers from Afghanistan and other places. Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Malaysia are said to have the fastest-growing Christian communities and the majority of the new believers are "upwardly mobile, urban, middle-class Chinese". [104][105][106] In Brazil, the total number of Protestants jumped from 16.2% in 2000[107] to 22.2% in 2010 (for the first time, the percentage of Catholics in Brazil is less than 70%). [400], Rates of interreligious marriage vary widely: In the United States, it is just under 50percent,[401] in the United Kingdom, around 53percent; in France; around 30percent,[402] and in Australia and Mexico, as low as 10percent. [244] On the other hand, demographer Conrad Hackett of Pew Research Center stated that the World Christian Encyclopedia gives a higher estimate for percent Christian when compared to other cross-national data sets. This has only been achieved in rare cases, and then only for particular countries, such as the American Religious Identification Survey[451] in the United States, or census data from Australia (which has included a voluntary religious question since 1911). According to the records of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its membership has grown every decade since its beginning in the 1830s,[108] that it is among the top ten largest Christian denominations in the U.S.,[109] and that it was the fastest growing church in the U.S. in 2012. The birth rate is expected to be the main factor in the growth of Christianity. Since the countries' religious establishments also serve as. Quantitative research is lacking, but he believes the European trend mirrors the American: data from the General Social Survey in the United States show that 32 percent of those raised Muslim no longer embrace Islam in adulthood, and 18 percent hold no religious identification. 6 million of those converts came from Indonesia however the report also includes the descendants of those who converted in Indonesia as well. In other words, Christianity as a whole loses more people than it gains from religious switching (conversions in both directions) in the U.S., while the net effect on Islam in America is a wash. A 2017 Pew Research Center survey of U.S. Muslims, using slightly different questions than the 2014 survey, found a similar estimate (24%) of the share of those who were raised Muslim but have left Islam. [270] The fertility rate for Israeli Druze in 2017 is 2.1 children per woman, while the fertility rate among Jewish women (3.2) and Muslim women (3.4) and the fertility rate among Israeli Christian women (1.9). [348] Thus, this report excludes religious conversion as a direct factor from the projection of Muslim population growth. HarperCollins, 2009, p.15,93. Based on the data from 49 Muslim-majority countries and territories, he found that Muslims' birth rate has significantly dropped for 41% between 1975 and 1980 to 200510 while the global population decline was 33% during that period. The curse is said to cause misfortune or harm to the person that it is directed at. He continued to preach until his death in 632. [67] That caused Protestantism to be called a primarily non-Western religion. These cases do not contribute to a growth of Christianity overall, but rather to a substitution of a brand of Christianity with another one. The Parsis will then cease to be called a community and will be labeled a 'tribe'. Religion remains one of modern Malaysia's most sensitive topics, especially when it comes to Islam, the country's official faith . [381] Since non-Muslims are not required to pay Zakat nor entitled to benefit from it, they had to support their own poor and in addition they had to pay Jizya if they wanted the same protections the Muslims received. [313] Experts say that conversions to Islam have doubled in the past 25 years in France, among the six million Muslims in France, about 100,000 are converts. Professor Eric Kaufmann, whose academic specialization is how demography affects irreligion/religion/politics, wrote in 2012: In my book, Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? [420], From the Bah' Faith's origins in the 19th century until the 1950s, the vast majority of Bahs were found in Iran; converts from outside Iran were mostly found in India and the Western world. [360] In North America, it will grow 1% to 2%. Hibatullah Akhundzada praised his movement's advance in every corner of the country and celebrated the historic seizure of Kabul in August 2021 as one more. [59] In 2017 Christianity added nearly 50 million people due to factors such as birth rate and religious conversion. Islam is expected to gain 3.2 million followers, while Buddhists and Jews are expected to lose 2.9 million and 0.3 million adherents, respectively. The Sensitive Stuff [493] It served as the state religion of the ancient Iranian empires for more than a millennium, from around 600 BCE to 650 CE, but declined from the 7th century onwards following the Muslim conquest of Persia of 633654. [122] Many people who convert to Christianity face persecution. [47] It is expected that by 2025 there will be 600million Christians in Africa. The mystic priest predicted to free the archipelago from the clutches of Islam and restore the glory of the Hindu Javanese religion. The death of a bald eagle that succumbed to what experts suspect is rat poisoning has led a push from wildlife advocates for state lawmakers to do more to protect the birds of prey and other creatures. Before it was banned in certain countries, the religion "hugely increased" in sub-Saharan Africa. 14/Mar/2021. According to other scholars, many converted for a whole host of reasons, the main statement of which was evangelization by Muslims, though there were several instances where some were pressured to convert owing to internal violence and friction between the Christian and Muslim communities, according to historian Philip Jenkins. Fertility Declining in the Middle East and North Africa, Recent changes and the future of fertility in Iran, Demographic implosion in Muslim societies, "Book excerpt: The 'Muslim tide' that wasn't", "Center wins NEH grant to study Salafism", "Uproar in Germany Over Salafi Drive to Hand Out Millions of Qurans", "Arab Invasions: The First Islamic Empire | History Today", "BBC - Religions - Islam: Early rise of Islam (632-700)", "BBC World Service | The Story of Africa", "Blent zdemir - Political Use of Conversion in the Nineteenth Century Ottoman Context: Some Cases From Salonica", "The Rights of Non-Muslims in Islam (part 1 of 13): An Islamic Basis". [284] 79.8% of India's population is Hindu, accounting for about 90% of Hindus worldwide. Islam began in Arabia and from 633 AD until the late 10th century it was spread through conquests, far-reaching trade and missionary activity. [62] Changes in worldwide Protestantism over the last century have been significant. [26] The growth of Islam from 2010 to 2020 has been estimated at 1.70%[3] due to high birthrates in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Studies in the 21st century suggest that, in terms of percentage and worldwide spread,[1][2] Islam is the fastest-growing major religion in the world. However John L. Esposito, a scholar on the subject of Islam in The Oxford History of Islam states that the spread of Islam "was often peaceful and sometimes even received favorably by Christians".