After discovering the Beyonders are unable to travel through time since they are constrained and restricted to their own sequential timeline, Doom, Strange and Molecule Man confront the Beyonders one last time. He tried to explain what he was trying to do, but they wouldn't listen, so he knocked them all (including Rachel and the Silver Surfer) away with one swipe of his hand. The Beyonder, meanwhile, was just trying to think through his problems. In lack of better options, we consider the Beyonders being killed by an explosion sufficient to destroy 100,000 universes, as well as an Infinity Gauntlet managing to slow down Doctor Doom when he was wielding their powers, as outliers. However, after they speed away, the Beyonder and his model of Manhattan reappear, and he goes back to whatever he was doing before. [31], Furious, the Beyonder now believed that he had no role in the universe at all, and decided that he would be happier if he destroyed the Multiverse so that he would be alone once more. He can also fire powerful bursts of anti-matter energy and is capable of reactivating Manhunters with his power. It took them a while to get up, however, and they had been knocked miles away. In other words, the Beyonder learned the lesson that Phoenix learned about the infinite value of every individual life. [28], Now the Beyonder's mood began to change. Whoever got the most, won. Protg retaliates using his limitless ability to copy the abilities of other beings to become a match for the Beyonder. [24], In the "Annihilation" crossover story line, the Fallen One, a former Herald of Galactus under the control of Thanos,[25] is sent to investigate the aftermath of the Kyln's destruction by the Annihilation Wave and ascertain the Beyonder's fate. The Beyonder is an immensely powerful extradimensional entity of disputed origin. When he had entered the Beyond-realm with Galactus at the very beginning of Secret Wars, his armor had analyzed the Beyonder's energies. They would have a contest to see if humanity deserved life. The celestial god arrives to condemn Phoenix's weakness, reminding her that death renders life meaningless. Editor's Picks; Entertainment. The Fallen One finds the lifeless form of the Maker in the rubble, confirming the Beyonder's freedom. In his original origin, and in the Cosmic Cube origin, he would in fact he from another universe, and thus "unnatural" in ours. Now Galactus emits life all around, as opposed to consuming it. When the Evolutionary arrived at the Beyonders' planet museum, he himself reported that his mind snapped when he witnessed the scope of their powers and how effectively insignificant he was compared to these alien beings. [50], In an alternate reality depicted in the "Heroes Reborn" miniseries, a character named Mister Beyonder appears as an inmate of the Negative Zone before escaping and confronting Hyperion, claiming that his reality is not what it seems. The Beyonder became a much lesser super being, and his previous super feats were all, or at least partially, in his mind. By overlapping two people's appearances, even if they are disguised, the Astrologer can determine if whether or not the two are the same person. [29] He explains the history of the Beyonders before reluctantly joining the Defenders on their quest. When the Second Cosmos ended and was reborn as the next iteration of the multiverse, the Omegas observed from the outside and thus became known as the Beyonders. Later it was decided to further retcon the character making it so that the Beyonder was both an Inhuman AND a Mutant. They view themselves as scientists and see the Marvel multiverse as an experiment, something for them to play with. If this were so, then no mutant would be "natural." Dave volunteered, seeing in this act the chance to do something important with his own life, and the Beyonder killed him, resurrecting him as the new avatar of Death. Much like Thanos, The Beyonder can shape, change and--if desired--destroy worlds and realities. Later on, Kubik and Kosmos became close. He was overwhelmed when Rachel Summers returned the enormous powers that he had bestowed upon her along with the thoughts of the past and present beings in the universe, to the point that he collapsed on the ground,[38] and he was apparently slowed down in battle against the Molecule Man. Doctor Doom Stands Alone Against the Beyonder! Then he and Scion decided that they must take more drastic steps to help the Microverse as a whole. Slay your enemies and all you desire shall be yours! He was now ambushed by the New Mutants, but he brushed them aside. Meanwhile, the Defenders were in a very difficult battle against the Dragon of the Moon. Kurse had finally reached New York, and randomly happened to hurt Margaret Power. The Beyonder intentionally limited his power to that of a "normal" super hero, and enjoyed the complexity and pressure of battle. The Beyonder was unfazed and left, pondering the tension between his eagerness for new experiences and the warning of his old experiences that knives can hurt! Marvel characters can be divided into two categories: Superheroes and Supervillains. He clearly realized how he was himself acting like a child feeling the need to strike out. Thus, The Beyonder, once an immortal, omnipotent god, falls victim to his strange obsession with desire, purpose, and death. Sometime later, due to unexplained events, Kosmos became mentally ill, and started calling herself the Maker. It was then that he realized that the Beyonder wasnt the galactic entity of unknown origin that he presented himself to be. He also showed him that he had kidnapped Protege and Malevolence, holding them in a miniature crystal as a source of amusement. Because none of the Legion Accursed managed to touch the Beyonder, the Beyondersbane went past it's critical point and melted down, its energy returning eventually to the Beyonder. He gave Frank the services of a room of prostitutes (making Toots jealous), and over the course of weeks taught him all of the everyday conventions and information that he needed to know to really understand normal life on Earth. Every Super Power has a score (SPS) that is used to calculate the Class. No, Wait, He's an Inhuman! The One Above All, The Living Tribunal, The Beyonder(s), and Emperor God Doom are more powerful than the Infinity Gauntlet. He brought them to his new headquarters, a giant floating building in the ocean, complete with TVs that monitored everyone on Earth. Reece's warning had come true, and the Beyonder now knew the emotional despair of rejection. The an event,which we will discover later,opened a hole into our universe,and he saw Earth. He first visited Owen Reece and Marsha Rosenberg (Volcana), since the Molecule Man was one of the only beings anywhere near his power. ", The Beyonder modelled his "human" body after, His hair is seemingly only superficially black. [41] However, on another occasion, after trying to be a superhero by fighting a superpowered biker gang, the Beyonder stated that he limits his powers to keep them more in line with the world around him. The Uncanny X-Men #203 (by Chris Claremont, John Romita Jr., Al Williamson, and Glynis Oliver), portrays The Beyonder's opportunity for redemption. He had withdrawn into himself and was meditating on a South Seas island to find out his role in the universe. Then, when Doom was struggling to control it during a battle with Captain America, the Beyonder left Klaw's body and reclaimed his full power. He also stated that Beyonder was from a whole different multiverse. " He then sent Doom and Klaw away, and disappeared himself, never to reappear again in this story. And so, as the narrative ended,"within the new universe begat by the Beyonder's powermortal beings live their mortal livesgiving meaning to the infinity in which they dwellthus, finally, is the desire of the One from Beyondfulfilled!". The Beyonder went back to Owen's apartment to talk over all of these recent problems. The Beyonder, however, was not paying attention to any of this. By the event's conclusion, it is undoubtedly clear that no one, save the celestial god himself, can defeat The Beyonder. The Beyonder is told that this is his origin, but he is missing a containment vessel and the Molecule Man absorbed part of his energy. They made conversation, and after she explained her profession using street jargon he didn't understand, he gave her an ingot of gold. They battle, and using his power, the power of the Nexus, and the power of the mystics, Havok defeats her, absorbing her into the fabric of the Nexus itself. But as the name suggests, it's mainly used by Odin. As he did, he teased the Molecule Man, whose power exceeded everyone else's in the universe, as if he were a child, saying "Sorry to 'burst your bubble,' Owie, but if I want in, nothing can stop me--and you might as well know now!" Hence, he released everyone and everything on Earth from his control; wiped out even the memories of his conquest of Earth although he did allow some few of them to retain a vague reminiscence of it. The Beyonder stood thinking on his own for a while, now understanding how the experience of being in a fight and being hurt was quite different from observing others being in a fight--experience was indeed the best teacher. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. As Thundersword, he began to wreck various Hollywood studios and other businesses. The Beyonder then argues that he can do this and introduces a planet Spider-Man might consider a "paradise", civilizations have good but no concept of evil. In the meantime, the Beyonder went back into his machine. At one point in the battle, Kubik held the Beyonder's entire universe in his hand, and was about to crush it, when the Shaper stopped him. The Beyonder thus began his own criminal empire, not because of any inherent evil in his nature, but just because that's all he knew about from Vinnie. Madame Web said "It was too large of a strain on his powers." He physically grew, and grew in power. He is the most powerful being in the Marvel Multiverse. Or more specifically, it is the Beyonder's body and essence, but they have been possessed by the Goblin Queen. Now humans would spend their lives as abstractly as the cosmic forces; they would no longer care about anything, just as Cap and Richards had said earlier about the Beyonder's less dramatic kind of previous care-taking. Around this time he also started exploring what Marvel was then calling the "multiverse": all the dimensions outside of the normal universe, such as Asgard, Mephisto's realm, the Microverse, the Dark Dimension, and eventually the Crossroads, a nexus of realities. When they arrive, they see a mysterious figure approaching, Ben Grimm (Thing) has been restored to his original human body. (Since it was implied that her essence would escape if her body was killed, then it would seem that her essence should be on the loose, but this has never been dealt with or mentioned.). When the events of Secret Wars I took place, the mind of Earth 616's Doom was living in another man's body, so the Beyonder took a future Doom's mind and body back to our time and put him in the Secret Wars. Ultimately, the superior symbiote will depend on the situation. In Earth-1298, also known as the Mutant X universe, the Beyonder was defeated by a coalition of heroes at the end of Secret Wars II. The One-Above-All's powers and abilities The One-Above-All is Omnipotent (All Powerful), Omniscient (All Knowing), and Omnipresent (Everywhere). After watching for a while, his interest was picqued, due to Thor's decision to use his belt of strength, thereby negating Kurse's advantage. It became self aware and formed a being of immeasurable power. Essentially the Ultimates, consisting of Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and others, increased Galactus' power so much that his hunger ceased. There are many Marvel characters on Earth that have are no match for their incredible powers. True love was when there was a free and limitless exchange of love between both partners; it couldn't be a "business deal" where there were other obligations. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Therefore, the Beyonder and Molecule Man both got their powers from the same energy; the Beyonder got the majority of it, and the Molecule Man got a smaller portion. Dazzler eventually realized that he had stimulated the situation by amping the bikers' powers, and made him stop the fight. In order to see if it was the correct formula Felicia Hardy was used as a test subject and became the Black Cat. While watching them, his attention was drawn to Dazzler singing at a mutant battle arena--his first contact with her. The heros attempt to stop the assult and don't suceed until Iron Man fires a laser to knock the Lizard out. [49] Later, he attempts to hold captive the ruler of the Universal Church of Truth, Protg. Next he gave himself a body identical to that of the Molecule Man. Beyonder tells Spider-Man to think of him and his assistant, Madame Web, as 'ones from beyond.' Manga. [29], Deciding he could not simply return to the Beyond-Realm and forget that he had ever experienced desire, the Beyonder remained on Earth but fell into despair. She was eventually put in a form of coma by Thanos, and eventually apparently killed during the events of Annihilation. She did, and the New Mutants were freed of the Beyonder's attempt at forced enlightenment. He took a trip to soak up the good things about life on Earth. [11], A number of survivors of the Multiverse were also collected and brought to Battleworld, now under the reign of the now-cosmically powered "God Emperor" Doom - their memories altered to become the lords and ladies of various factions of a medieval new order. Odin Force: It is mystical and really powerful infinite source of energy. It told her the Beyonder could give her that power. The Beyonder actually made an appearance in Spider-Man the animated series. Then, flitting from emotion to emotion, he stopped it all, and began his search for Alex Summers. The Beyonder is more powerful than Eternity, The Living Tribunal, and most any other Marvel Comics character to date. (which is basically using the abilities from other pathways like a scribe or reader or Shepard). He started to grow inside the machine, and was a fetus when the heroes arrived back. Strange and The Multiverse of Madness, the Marvel Cinematic Universe looks poised to revisit one of the most intriguing comic-book storylines of all time: Secret Wars. Powers and abilities The Beyonders have been witnessed killing all of the Celestials in the Marvel multiverse at the same time, destroying abstract entities. So perhaps in this one case the Beyonder's meddling actually resulted in a net positive result (albeit with horrible side effects). In contrast to the original event, Secret Wars II delves deep into The Beyonder's internal struggle to find fulfillment. The Beyonder wanted to help so he mimicked the super-hero costumes he had seen, and created a new super-suit for himself. Here is an explantion of the Beyonder's powers and power shifts as a result of the rectonned storylines. He spent the night with a waitress, but then caused a conflict with the X-Men after showing off his powers. His ultimate goal is to discover the true meaning of existence, and his journey takes him across the Marvel universe. He reappears in Secret Wars II #1 (July 1985), which was written by Jim Shooter and drawn by Al Milgrom. Instead they had to just ask him not to kill Death. Strange and Professor X no longer sense the Beyonder's presence. Strengthened Abilties They gain significant improvements on both their physical body and spiritual body. [2] A hole was poked into the Beyonder's universe which caused him to be aware of the Marvel Universe. large insect like robots had been hidden in the desert sands assault the two,but are quickly defeated. The Beyonder and Muramoto had been having a number of conversations about enlightenment. When he appeared to see her, however, she placed a time bomb on him and ran away. [12], The Defenders encountered the Beyonders when they went outside the Multiverse. The Beyonder found his way in and met with Major Victory, giving him a new costume and telling him he had great power inside of him. Post Retcon Beyonder #1 (Cosmic Cube)- Beyonder was a cosmic cube, created by beings called Beyonders, without a container. The Beyonder first became aware of our universe when the Molecule Man gained his powers through an atomic accident. He appeared in his silvery armored form which he had once used in the Avengers. Cage explained the problem to Beyonder, who made himself black in order to better fit in. To study the effects of the desire for revenge, the Beyonder transformed Thor's enemy, the Dark Elf Algrim into the powerful menace Kurse. In no situation was anyone ever actually more powerful than him. The Beyonder then appeared, and gave her what she asked for, then left. When the Molecule Man extracted the Beyonder from Kosmos, their battle took place in more than three dimensions, and threatened vast portions of reality. The heroes were subdued, but even Captain America agreed that Reece had done what needed to be done. Meanwhile, he just got in a deeper funk, listening to Dazzler records. Secret Wars II expands on Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars in every way possible. Possible 1-A Beyonder Embodies the Beyonder Realm, a place beyond space, time, and all dimensions. Reality Warping: In all of his versions, The Beyonder has the general ability to manipulate reality [45] on a virtually infinite scale. [13], The Beyonders are what Doctor Doom calls "linear beings". Now, they had to fight, or die; they all meant less to him than an amoeba, other than perhaps Rachel, who he called a "starsoul." RELATED: Doctor Strange 2 Just Gave the MCU a Better Dark Phoenix Story. Mephisto, observing, was at wit's end, and tried to come up with a plan, but the Beyonder suddenly appeared in his realm so he could destroy it as well. Uatu explained that the Watchers had all come together and voted to break their oath against inaction for the first time, because the Beyonder posed such a threat to the multiverse. Nonetheless, he possessed vastly limitless psionic abilities allowing him to control and manipulate numerous matter and energy at a cosmic level beyond all, but the strongest and most powerful of cosmic entities. Ben informs everyone that Doom created a device to seperate powers, he can transform into the Thing at will. When encountered, the Beyonder is dwelling in a simulacrum of Manhattan Island on Ceres, a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt. He briefly had the young superhuman mutant called Boom-Boom as a companion, and terrified her when he threatened to destroy the entire universe on a whim. They took a ride in his flying car out into space to cheer her up. She was so much happier now, and it was all because of him--but pointedly, he understood, she loved him for what he had given her emotionally, and not because he was the overlord of the world. Where he existed he was everything and everything was him, in a sense he was like God before there was Genesis. They felt that if the Beyonder took care of everything, people would get lazy and wouldn't take care of themselves any more. The Beyonder is a cosmic entity of immense power. Strange explained that when Havok destroyed the site of the Nexus of All Realities in that dimension, he had then absorbed the Nexus into his own body. The Beyonder is the beyond-all and end-all of all things, striven on occasion to be both mankind's greatest. Beyonder's powers and abilities In all of his versions, The Beyonder has the general ability to manipulate reality. The Beyonders received an entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89 #1. It's time to escape Battleworld and travel to The Beyond where CBR's celestial writers reside. Remains to be seen. In the Marvel Apes universe, the Ape-Beyonder kidnapped the Earth heroes and villains to Battleworld to fight, as in the Earth-616 reality. He drove her to the X-Men's school, since that's what she had been looking for earlier. It was a shocking revelation -- a whole new world of existence was revealed. He was no longer omnipotent as many initially believed, being an incomplete Cosmic Cube, with less raw power and the same limitations of a complete cube. It was the sight of the imposing Black Bolt that made the Beyonder realize the Illuminati were not his creations. However, when they opened the door, they ignored her and tried to attack the Beyonder. He was also one of the only beings who bridged both the world of mortals and cosmic beings. His frustration with this attempt led him to become more and more erratic and dangerous to the rest of the multiverse. Doom asks all the heros to live in his kingdom, and Reed Richards accuses Doom of only wanting praise and servitude. At the end of the battle, Rachel Summers psychically sensed the invisible presence of the Beyonder, who was watching it all. Along with his reality altering powers.This version is Nigh-Omnipotent. Dani Moonstar saw death visions above all her comrades, and knew what was about to happen. Encouraged by his aide, a journalist named Dave, the Beyonder overcame his own doubts. The Shaper developed from a Cube made by Skrull scientists. While Cloak and Dagger had in the past acted as judge, jury, and executioners for many drug dealers, they realized now that this was going too far, and that perhaps some of them might have reformed, if they had been given more mercy. Meanwhile the Beyonder kept doing heroic deeds, and Captain America and Mr. Dracula finally brings the Beyonder/Goblin Queen to Havok's location, and Havok comes out and attacks, buoyed by the power of several mystics and other characters. The Beyonder knew it was all a magical illusion, however, and was able to reclaim his power again. He was simply being far too artificial in his approach, and didn't understand. After discovering that the Maker was the Beyonder, Thanos came to see her, and in a deranged state, she destroyed a large portion of the Kyln. The Beyonder left, saying that he was above such human emotions, and went back to the Beyond-realm. There, he asked about love. All these add up to the possibility that this was not the true Beyonder, or was only a ploy by the Beyonder to confuse the heroes for some reason. omnipotent status. He was much more peaceful at first; when the Molecule Man attacked him, Doom did not kill him, but instead took away Reece's self-imposed mental blocks, allowing Reece to reach his full potential as the most powerful being in the multiverse other than the Beyonder. The Beyonder also had to exert himself in battle against the Molecule Man (who was a multiversal level entity), and he was overloaded by the Rachel Summers Phoenix, after which he collapsed on the ground, though only after granting her enough power to do so. The other X-Men, some willingly, some possibly under her psychic influence, and some unwillingly, joined their life forces to hers. He stood in space, thinking. He also transforms a television writer named Steward Cadwell into Thundersword. Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, The X-Men's Greatest Adversary is Now the Last of His Kind, 10 Justice Leaguers With Powers That Make No Sense.