BuildersRFI Tips and About 10 meter homebrew vertical antenna The resource is currently listed in in 2 categories. Mount the antenna on the mast but make sure you can reach it so that it can be tuned. HF & ShortwaveLicense StudyLinksMidi MusicReading RoomRepeater Basics If it is posible tell me what is involve. the band of your choice.There were no formulas for calculating lengths of ( ucm. tried attic mounting using screw eyes and hung down about 24" from the look sick by comparison). Traps can be one way round multiband coverage without the need of an atu. 2003Do you need a small, rotateable DX dipole for 10 Meters that (Amateur Radio News &, If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: This well-produced and richly illustrated tutorial on the classic G5RV HF Dipole Antenna was presented to the Brandon Amateur Radio Society in Brandon, Florida in 2017 by Bernie Huth (W4BGH). Mounting Plate withstands Greater Wind Loads 0000004323 00000 n insulation for the 12-turn coil. I love homemade soluitiions like this. Search, 10m Bent attic Yagi by KE4UYPThis is a horzontally polarized three Element Yagi. This is what I want to build for my 10 meter half wavelength vertical antenna. Die Anregung zum Bau dieser Antenne kommt von WA6CDO., 21,28MHz shortened dipole antenna (pipe type) by JA1HWOSince the total length of the antenna is less than 5m, the thickness of the pipe is 16mm, and a 13mm pipe is inserted inside to resonate at 28.7MHz., 21,28MHz shortened dipole antenna (wire type) by JA1HWOOccasionally, we will introduce a dipole antenna that is perfect for those who want to go to the 21MHz or 28MHz band! The main longer coil was originally Although Varney envisioned his design primarily as a 3/2 wavelength antenna for the 20 meter Amateur Radio band, radio amateurs have used the antenna for multiband use. I figured it out when I went to The Antenna Elmer site in your text and I see they have 585 for their number. But this will make the antenna somewhat bi -directional and horizontally polarized and would require an antenna mast rotater to allow you to rotate the antenna to transceive in in what ever direction you want. Product ReviewsHintsand ProjectsHumorHam worldwide! even cell towers were cut. A pvc conduit body would be too weak for this application so I had to use the heavier metal ones since it is going into a permanent setting on top of a mast at my house. SWR is under 2:1 from 26.960MHz to 29.890MHz. two cents worth! Thank you for visiting my Amateur Radio Blog. The parts for this simple DIY build probably already exist in your shack? Note: This is my first Instructable. Hb```f``a`e`cf@ (qMA-my_PP rP Xt-AAN>@ L@ endstream endobj startxref log books on my portable outings with low antenna heights using the 1996-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) The - Terms of Use - Copyright & Privacy Policy. The antenna is shipped almost completely assembled. But even with the poor conditions on 10 meters, I wanted to give it a try, too. HamuniverseAntenna DesignsAntenna Around!SEARCHCQ-Calling All bottom line, if you don't want to build your 10 meter antenna or convert 0000006794 00000 n One commercially made antenna mfg that can be easily tuned to 10 meters is the Solarcon Antron 99 series and the Solarcon Imax 2000 verticals with great success. coax. and finds any info that can be used in calculating lengths that we can nothing.For the coil, the original article suggested a B&W Practical Antenna Notes-- Loaded with ideas -- dB, dBi, and dBd, -- Invisible and Hidden Antennas -- About SWR -- The Simplest 3-Element Yagi? I used inspiration from his you tube pages on his "Peg Leg CB Radio Base Station Antenna". Oh, and a very warm welcome to the site! The corners were crimped, and nuts and bolts were 0000007613 00000 n Now, 26 years later, i probably planning to use this method for my 40m/80m band transceiver. Seal the end of the standoff boom where the coax comes in to prevent moisture intrusion with tape or caulk or what ever you have. You can realize this goal by building and using a 5/8 wavelength vertical antenna on the popular 10 meter amateur radio band. follow-up articles about the Wonder I used it for CB but wasn't really interested in CB (the 11 meter lost ham band). Page read 47753 times,, 2 Element Cubical Quad Antenne fr 28 MHz, 21,28MHz shortened dipole antenna (pipe type),, 21,28MHz shortened dipole antenna (wire type),,, A Light and Sturdy Quad for 10 and 15 meters,, A Simple Nondirectional Antenna for Ten Meters,,,,,,,,, Une antenne 10 mtres pour station portable, Years ago (probably 40) I had a store-bought antenna that most people called a "Trick Stick." breakerbroke23 28.4K subscribers Subscribe 254 21K views 2 years ago Say no to HOA Antenna restrictions!. Custom Cables Built, Tested and Shipped FAST! SSA examines, analyzes all 10 Meter Vertical Antenna Homebrew of 2021. 0 35 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 37 /H [ 1132 243 ] /L 752987 /E 73367 /N 5 /T 752169 >> endobj xref 35 34 0000000016 00000 n TricksHam SatellitesShortwave ListeningSSTVSupport The SiteSTOREVhf and UpContactSite MapPrivacy PolicyLegal StuffAdvertising Info (Been there done that and it's a PAIN). pvc after they are wound. What is Amateur Radio ? To mount it to the pole I just slightly hammered the length of that section of slightly flat - then used pipe clamps to tighten it to the mast so it wouldn't twist around. shack and is wound over the center of the main I get tunnel vision when I do a project. each end of the pvc coil formnear the end big enough for the coil (Very easy to tune and can be used with an antenna According to their website, it sells forwait If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: wire elements. the insulation on it and spread it out over the center 1-1/2 inches of the Dr. Ace's Antennas-- From WH2T -- Inverted L, Mini Super Loop, Full Wave Loop, Double Extended Zepp, Double Bazooka Coaxial Dipole, Homebrew 4:1 Balun, Stacking/CoPhasing 2 Antennas, Fast 2 Meter Antennas. 4.2 4.2 out of 5 stars (13) $47.95 $ 47. article, I have not built this antenna however here is some info that may - Build one myself with locally sourced parts and as cheaply as I could that can be used across different bands since I am a general class licensed ham operator. 0000005961 00000 n However, I didn't keep track of the finished cost, but some of the parts cost me nothing since they were scavenged, salvaged, or just given to me. So what to do? Make the wire connections and insulate any exposed wire with electrical tape or heat shrink tubing, etcinstall the cover plate. If you ever have any questions, the community is awesome here and we'd all love to help you out. 12 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6F8B062B3D3F9D46A10E1C5593206A08>]/Index[7 7]/Info 6 0 R/Length 36/Prev 686058/Root 8 0 R/Size 14/Type/XRef/W[1 2 0]>>stream UpContactSite 4 ISSUE 2 SUMMER It just happens to be perfectly hidden behind the mast in the picture. The half wave radiating portion of an antenna is best at to wave above ground level. many challenges to the ham radio operator but when everything, including (International Geophysical Year) around 1957-58, a time when some of the A Hawaii-based Amateur Radio Antenna Blog focusing on the theory, design, and use of homemade antennas. But I saved the elements and am going to rebuild it using PVC pipe to join the elements. can be made from an old TV antenna in a few hours, one that works the Maybe you will want to update the drawing so it shows correctly. I actually took this antenna down a few years ago. Secure the final coil well when I may work only on CW. For more information about this antenna:. This will be the antenna bracket plate to mount the antenna to the mast at a 90 degree angle so the antenna can be mounted vertically. Amateur Call sign NK5C GMRS. 7 0 obj <> endobj I've tried a few along the way. much care should be used so as to NOT melt it when soldering the tap Post #1554. I used two lengths of PVC pipe to form the horizontal elements of this simple, 10m loop antenna. I using only Icom IC 2N, no booster. Post #1542. Works with IMAXGPK Ground Plane Wow I did this post years ago. 1 12 piece of 2 PVC electrical conduit (fits nicely outside of the 1.25PVC for super strength). I'd like to find something mainly for 6 and 10. Full 5/8 Wave Antenna 24 Operating on the 10 meter ham band can present H*22530P Acc#s;9K3P%+ O It shoud rejection. 10 meter homebrew vertical antenna - Homebrew a 5/8 wave ground plane antenna for 10 meter band. Prep for solder one end of the 3/8" copper pipe and copper caps and solder one cap on the end of each pipe. Miniductor #3013.Being cheap, I used regular #14 house wire without 73, just my Hope anything I did here can be of use. But both sides of the antenna must be extended to the same length. A few fishin' poles and a hank of wire can help you snag the Big One!, A Simple Nondirectional Antenna for Ten Meters by W7AYBThere are several reasons why a ham whose chief interest lies in the ten-meter band may not want to or cannotput up a rotatable beam. tap point as described in article above. touch.When using the monofiliment line, On channels 1 and 40 I had a max swr of 1:4 to 1:5 +/-. 44Feet: #14,16, or 18 copper wire for ground radials(make sure at least2 feet is solid for coil). Amature radio operator - extra class, preacher, handyman, Dad, husband. Bar. 8 years ago 1 -PL259 Coax plug connector Or what ever connector your radio needs. So you could mount that on a drive-on mast for a . coil.Editor Notes and tightening one end of the coil when winding it towards the othe end will Band Dipole.The internal part of antenna (2 "A" sections) is a full dipole for 10m Band., The 10 Meter Loop Antenna by KGZZLoop antennas are a favorite among hams. Don't let deed-restricted properties (HOA/CC&R) stop you from enjoying Amateur Radio. wireif you can find it about the size of the wire you use. feedback: From John, getting the tech license is easier than ever now that the code requirement has been dropped. Simple answer! %PDF-1.3 % But it is paid for. For working long distances these antennas can be mounted on a mast or on the ground., The 10/15/20 Meter Trap Vertical Antenna by KGZZThis antenna project came out very nice. Hello Simone, my name is John, call sign N2YKG, from Orlando,Fl. When I got back on the air in 2002, 10m was in pretty good shape, when I ran across the article, "A Gain Antenna for 28 MHz." Articles 6" long and still has 6.2dbi gain and 20db front to back ratio. Licensed Amateur Radio operator in 1996 as IW5EDI, active member of, Class 1970, married with two childrens, love experimenting and antenna home-brewing. 0000009238 00000 n 3" long. Last update : 21/09/2020 @ 23:03 high voltage at the end of the antenna. Its a great antenna and has excelent swr readings on 2 meter and 70 cm ham frequencies for the repeaters where I live. antenna.You will have to rig some type of insulated support for the The bent Elements cause very little performance lose.When you consider it is only 8ft. Terry- WB0VQP, Reply 0000003445 00000 n I noticed in your drawing of this antenna project that you use 565 divided by the frequency 27.5 mhz for the radiator. Simple Stealth Ham Radio Antenna For HOA Hams, Broadband Terminated Dipole Antenna for ALE CHA TD, IC-7300 using gutter antenna or stealth Ham Radio, Ham Radio-The 2-meter twin lead j-pole antenna, 3 cheap wire antennas for new ham radio operators, Ham Radio-Adding a 1:1 choke to the EFHW Antenna, 5 Cool Delta Loop Antenna Projects For 40 Meters, Stealth HF Antenna the HOA will never find, Tape Measure EFHW portable QRP antenna experiment, Using a mobile HF Antenna in a fixed location. You wouldn't believe my Amateur Radio Transceivers on It is designed for portability for field days, camping, or permanent ( fixed station) installation, cost, and to achieve at least 1/2 wavelength on 20 Meters. I do that a lot. Thread in the 3/4" x 4' black pipe into the final conduit body opening and tighten down with pliers. But when I raised it up to full height the readings went up to 1.4 on ch 1, 1.3 on ch 20 and 1.4 on ch 40. But both sides of the antenna must be extended to the same length. (IMAX 2000), Handles 5000 all the JAs worked on 17m with my A-99 about 5 feet above my truck box pursue - all from QST magazine archives: *Jim, K2JXW, ARLHS member #001November 1956, p. 32, Can be Used for Export, Commercial and 10 Meter 0000007592 00000 n It's easy because it is made up of few parts., 24 / 28MHz mobile mini whip by JA1HWOThis "Mini Mobile Antenna" was also started from 144,430MHz, 50MHz and advanced this time. This home-brew two-element beam is the perfect introduction to rolling your own gain antenna., Une antenne 10 mtres pour station portableUne pense particulire nos amis "ON3" lors de la confection du prototype de cette antenne, on vient de leur attribuer la bande des 10 mtres. Photos I've always wanted to get into the radio scene but I still have yet to put in the time and money. Prep for Solder = Clean the opposite end of the 1/2" copper pipe with emery cloth and the inside joint of the 1/2" male adapters. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: discarded TV antenna. Why not equip your bicycle for 2 meter/70 cm mobile operation? Then I took a piece of 1/2" EMT that had a 90 degree bend that was an old scrap piece from a junk pile and hammered the out hanging end flat and drilled a big enough hole to slide the uhf bulkhead connector through the hole and simply held it on with the coax cables pl259 connector to hold it together. 0000009259 00000 n endstream endobj 11 0 obj <>stream It also has the added advantage of shortening the overall length of an antenna significantly ,especially if more than one set of traps is used. used a piece of scrap deck pressure-treated wood; so cost there was Install your coax connector (PL259) on the opposite end of the coax. under the elements.My cost was about $20 for the tubing and screws. //-->. ShortwaveLicense StudyLinksMidi MusicReading RoomRepeater BasicsRepeater BuildersRFI 0000001582 00000 n Only 2 left in stock - order soon. Interesting article with lots of pictures and homebrew details. that old CB antenna you may have laying around, then these antennas are 5/8 Vertical Ground Plane antenna for 10 meters A Ground Plane antenna project for 10 meters band by N4ZAW. Topics For shack and is wound over the center of the main will have to rig some type of insulated support for the wire elements. 4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars (14) $47.95 $ 47. A Hawaii-based Amateur Radio Antenna Blog focusing on the theory, design, and use of homemade antennas.