The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. result, it may not include the most recent changes applied to the CFR. An unused lighter or a lighter that is cleaned of residue and purged of vapors is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. 387 When materials are stabilized by temperature control, the provisions of 173.21(f) of this subchapter apply. b. guide. 343 A bulk packaging that emits hydrogen sulfide in sufficient concentration that vapors evolved from the sour crude oil can present an inhalation hazard must be marked as specified in 172.327. 26 This entry does not include ammonium permanganate, the transport of which is prohibited except when approved by the Associate Administrator. When such batteries are transported in accordance with 173.185(c), the total lithium content of all lithium metal cells contained in the battery must not exceed 1.5 g and the total capacity of all lithium ion cells contained in the battery must not exceed 10 Wh. N75 Packages consisting of tightly closed inner packagings of glass, earthenware or metal, securely cushioned and packed in outer wooden barrels or wooden or fiberboard boxes, capacity not over 2.5 kg (5.5 pounds) net weight, are authorized and need not conform to the requirements of part 178 of this subchapter. A212 UN 2031, Nitric acid, other than red fuming, with more than 20% and less than 65% nitric acid intended for use in sterilization devices only, may be transported on passenger aircraft irrespective of the indication of forbidden in columns (9A) of the 172.101 table provided that: a. A separate drafting site A34 Aerosols containing a corrosive liquid in Packing Group II charged with a gas are not permitted for transportation by aircraft. (iv) T75. Shipment of packages under this special provision must be made by private or contract motor carrier. A14 This material is not authorized to be transported as a limited quantity or consumer commodity in accordance with 173.306 of this subchapter when transported aboard an aircraft. Nickel-metal hydride batteries subject to this special provision are subject only to the following requirements: (1) The batteries must be prepared and packaged for transport in a manner to prevent a dangerous evolution of heat, short circuits, and damage to terminals; and are subject to the incident reporting in accordance with 171.16 of this subchapter if a fire, violent rupture, explosion or dangerous evolution of heat (i.e., an amount of heat sufficient to be dangerous to packaging or personal safety to include charring of packaging, melting of packaging, scorching of packaging, or other evidence) occurs as a direct result of a nickel metal hydride battery; and (2) when loaded in a cargo transport unit in a total quantity of 100 kg gross mass or more, the shipping paper requirements of Subpart C of this part, the manifest requirements of 176.30 of this subchapter, and the vessel stowage requirements assigned to this entry in Column (10) of the 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table. A combination packaging consisting of a 4G fiberboard box with inner receptacles of glass or earthenware; b. 3 This material is poisonous by inhalation (see 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard Zone C (see 173.116(a) of this subchapter), and must be described as an inhalation hazard under the provisions of this subchapter. The inlet to the venting device must be located in the vapor space of the IBC under maximum filling conditions. If a package contains both lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries packed with and contained in equipment, the package must be marked as required for both battery types. When IBCs other than metal or rigid plastics IBCs are used, they must be offered for transportation in a closed freight container or a closed transport vehicle. N88 Any metal part of a UN pressure receptacle in contact with the contents may not contain more than 65% copper, with a tolerance of 1%. Portable tanks must be hydraulically tested and internally inspected at intervals not exceeding 2.5 years. ); and. These provisions apply only to non-bulk packagings: N3 Glass inner packagings are permitted in combination or composite packagings only if the hazardous material is free from hydrofluoric acid. Additionally, the offeror must notify the carrier if the tank pressure rise exceeds 3 psig over any 24-hour period. N73 Packagings consisting of outer wooden or fiberboard boxes with inner glass, metal or other strong containers; metal or fiber drums; kegs or barrels; or strong metal cans are authorized and need not conform to the requirements of part 178 of this subchapter. This contact form is only for website help or website suggestions. The quantities of hazardous materials do not exceed those specified in 173.4a of this subchapter; and. The Associate Administrator may except from the requirements of this subchapter articles, machinery, and apparatus provided: a. When Column 7 refers to a special provision for a hazardous material, the meaning and requirements of that special provision are as set forth in 172.102 of this subpart. 5 If this material meets the definition for a material poisonous by inhalation (see 171.8 of this subchapter), a shipping name must be selected which identifies the inhalation hazard, in Division 2.3 or Division 6.1, as appropriate. (You can unsubscribe anytime), Learn More About USDOT/HazMat Transportation, generalpackaging requirements of173.24, Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Regulations of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. 8 A hazardous substance that is not a hazardous waste may be shipped under the shipping description Other regulated substances, liquid or solid, n.o.s., as appropriate. 109 Rocket motors must be nonpropulsive in transportation unless approved in accordance with 173.56 of this subchapter. In addition to the provisions applicable to the transport of Division 6.1 substances, the provisions of 173.421(c) and 173.443(a) of this subchapter apply. 123 Any explosives, blasting, type C containing chlorates must be segregated from explosives containing ammonium nitrate or other ammonium salts. 5. 35 Antimony sulphides and oxides which do not contain more than 0.5 percent of arsenic calculated on the total mass do not meet the definition of Division 6.1. [Amdt. A5 Solids having an inhalation toxicity of Packing Group I are not permitted on passenger aircraft and may not exceed a maximum net quantity per package of 15 kg (33 pounds) on cargo aircraft. 19 For domestic transportation only, the identification number UN1075 may be used in place of the identification number specified in column (4) of the 172.101 table. Capacitors with an energy storage capacity of 0.3 Wh or less are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. This entry applies to machinery or apparatus containing hazardous materials as a residue or as an integral element of the machinery or apparatus. B69 Dry sodium cyanide or potassium cyanide may be shipped in the following sift-proof and weather-resistant packagings: metal covered hopper cars, covered motor vehicles, portable tanks, or non-specification bins. 15, 1976, unless otherwise noted. Effective January 1, 2014, for transportation domestically by highway or rail, this entry may only be used if the results of Test Series 6(d) of Part I of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) have demonstrated that any hazardous effects from accidental functioning are confined to within the package. The requirements of 173.24(g)(1) and 173.27(c) do not apply. A chemical under pressure packaged in an aerosol dispenser must be transported under UN1950. Packagings of other material constructed with a small amount of metal must be designed such that the hazardous material does not contact the metal. The fiber drum must to be fabricated with a three ply wall, as a minimum. The presence of a Class 8 hazard must be communicated as required by this part for subsidiary hazards. This entry may not be used for ammonium nitrate for which a proper shipping name already exists in the 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table, including ammonium nitrate mixed with fuel oil or any other commercial grade of ammonium nitrate (e.g., ammonium nitrate fertilizer). Solids meeting the definition of an elevated temperature material must be transported in accordance with the applicable requirements of this subchapter. Such articles must comply with the following requirements: (1) The water capacity of the pressure receptacle must not exceed 0.5 L and the working pressure must not exceed 25 bar at 15 C (59 F); (2) The minimum burst pressure of the pressure receptacle must be at least four times the pressure of the gas at 15 C (59 F); (3) Each article must be manufactured in such a way that unintentional firing or release is avoided under normal conditions of handling, packing, transport and use. metal other than steel or aluminum (50N). 156 Asbestos that is immersed or fixed in a natural or artificial binder material, such as cement, plastic, asphalt, resins or mineral ore, or contained in manufactured products is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. The batteries inside the cargo transport unit are not subject to marking or labelling requirements of part 172 subparts D and E of this subchapter. The table below gives the various types of Lead alloy solders. TP28 A portable tank having a minimum test pressure of 2.65 bar (265 kPa) may be used provided the calculated test pressure is 2.65 bar or less based on the MAWP of the hazardous material, as defined in 178.275 of this subchapter, where the test pressure is 1.5 times the MAWP. These entries include hybrid electric vehicles powered by both an internal combustion engine and batteries. Overcharge of the rechargeable lithium ion cells is precluded by design; iii. Thickness of stainless steel for tank shell and heads for cargo tanks and portable tanks must be the greater of 6.35 mm (0.250 inch) or the thickness required for a tank with a design pressure at least equal to 1.3 times the vapor pressure of the lading at 46 C (115 F). 30 Sulfur is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter if transported in a non-bulk packaging or if formed to a specific shape (for example, prills, granules, pellets, pastilles, or flakes). Mass detonate means more than 90 percent of the devices tested in a package explode practically simultaneously. The operator of an aircraft carrying hazardous materials must do all of the following EXCEPT: A. 328 When lithium metal or lithium ion batteries are contained in the fuel cell system, the item must be described under this entry and the appropriate entries for Lithium metal batteries contained in equipment or Lithium ion batteries contained in equipment. 6 This material is poisonous-by-inhalation and must be described as an inhalation hazard under the provisions of this subchapter. (2) A code containing the letter A refers to a special provision which applies only to transportation by aircraft. 125 Lactose or glucose or similar materials may be used as a phlegmatizer provided that the substance contains not less than 90%, by mass, of phlegmatizer. Portable tanks containing solidified methacrylic acid must not be reheated during transportation. 181 When a package contains a combination of lithium batteries contained in equipment and lithium batteries packed with equipment, the following requirements apply: a. contact the publishing agency. site when drafting amendatory language for Federal regulations: 47 Mixtures of solids that are not subject to this subchapter and flammable liquids may be transported under this entry without first applying the classification criteria of Division 4.1, provided there is no free liquid visible at the time the material is loaded or at the time the packaging or transport unit is closed. TP8 A portable tank having a minimum test pressure of 1.5 bar (150 kPa) may be used when the flash point of the hazardous material transported is greater than 0 C (32 F). Special provisions contain packaging provisions, prohibitions, exceptions from requirements for particular quantities or forms of materials and requirements or prohibitions applicable to specific modes of transportation, as follows: (1) A code consisting only of numbers (for example, 11) is multi-modal in application and may apply to bulk and non-bulk packagings. 384 For green graphite electrodes and shapes that are large single component solid objects not subject to shifting, transport in open rail flat cars, open bed motor vehicles, and intermodal containers is also authorized. On the basis of the results of suitable burning rate tests, and taking into account the standard tests in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, subsection 33.2.1 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), nitrocellulose membrane filters in the form in which they are to be transported that do not meet the criteria for a Division 4.1 material are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. 40 Polyester resin kits consist of two components: A base material (either Class 3 or Division 4.1, Packing Group II or III) and an activator (organic peroxide), each separately packed in an inner packaging. (eg: The Office of the Federal Register publishes documents on behalf of Federal agencies but does not have any authority over their programs. 108 Fireworks must be so constructed and packaged that loose pyrotechnic composition will not be present in packages during transportation. A10 When aluminum or aluminum alloy construction materials are used, they must be resistant to corrosion. However, button cell batteries installed in equipment (including circuit boards) need not be considered; and, c. The shipping paper must indicate UN 3091 Lithium metal batteries packed with equipment or UN 3481 Lithium ion batteries packed with equipment, as appropriate. 325 In the case of non-fissile or fissile-excepted uranium hexafluoride, the material must be classified under UN 2978. B120 The use of flexible bulk containers conforming to the requirements in subpart R and subpart S of part 178 of this subchapter is permitted. B44 All parts of valves and safety relief devices in contact with lading must be of a material which will not cause formation of acetylides. TP12 This material is considered highly corrosive to steel. 39 This substance may be carried under provisions other than those of Class 1 only if it is so packed that the percentage of water will not fall below that stated at any time during transport. 337 Authorizes the use of regulated waste containers manufactured prior to October 1, 2006 to be marked with the alternative shipping name of Regulated medical waste, UN3291 and arrows that deviate as prescribed in 172.312(a)(2) in that they may be black or white. (7) Special Provisions (172.102) IB8, IP2, IP4 A2 Single packagings are not permitted on aircraft. (a) General. The vacant space (outage) may be charged with a nonflammable nonliquefied compressed gas if the pressure in the cylinder or sphere at 55 C (130 F) does not exceed 125 percent of the marked service pressure. TP5 For a portable tank used for the transport of flammable refrigerated liquefied gases or refrigerated liquefied oxygen, the maximum rate at which the portable tank may be filled must not exceed the liquid flow capacity of the primary pressure relief system rated at a pressure not exceeding 120 percent of the portable tank's design pressure. Lead compounds that have a solubility of 5% or less in accordance with this special provision are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter that pertain to Marine Pollutants. This entry may only be used for the transport of non-activated batteries that contain dry potassium hydroxide and that are intended to be activated prior to use by the addition of an appropriate amount of water to the individual cells. If a tank car tank is equipped with a non-reclosing pressure relief device, the rupture disc must be perforated with a 3.2 mm (0.13 inch) diameter hole. iv. 164 Substances must not be transported under this entry unless approved by the Associate Administrator on the basis of the results of appropriate tests according to Part I of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). (7) A code containing the letter T refers to a special provision which applies only to transportation in UN or IM Specification portable tanks. 365 For manufactured instruments and articles containing mercury, see UN3506. These batteries are typically used for portable power applications. TP17 Only inorganic non-combustible materials may be used for thermal insulation of the tank. (v) The box must be constructed from high-density polyethylene in the density range 0.950-0.962, and be capable of holding liquid when in the upright position. B57 Class 115A tank car tanks used to transport chloroprene must be equipped with a non-reclosing pressure relief device of a diameter not less than 305 mm (12 inches) with a maximum rupture disc pressure of 310 kPa (45 psig). Except when approved by the Associate Administrator, these items may only contain hazardous materials for which exceptions are referenced in Column (8) of the 172.101 Table and are provided in part 173, subparts D and G, of this subchapter.
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